Old Llantrisant Hill
- A passage of great joy - something you could clap your hands to
- The (one) Church in Judea, Galilee and Samaria
- United
- Walking in the fear of God
- They knew the comfort of the Holy Spirit
- They were multiplied
- Peter is on the move - miracles occur and people were added to the church
- Quote - only one life, soon will past, only what is done for Christ will last
- Two individuals have done things for Christ
- Dorcas
- Those that do not love the brethren do not love God
- She loved people, particularly widows
- She made them clothes
- The people wept for her - what she did made a deep impression on them
- Peter
- He was called to be an apostle to the Jews
- He was willing to move about (v32)
- He heals a man and many are converted
- He raises a woman from the dead
- He then goes to Caesarea into the Gentile home of Cornelius [next week]
He was on the Move
- He had spent many years in Jerusalem
- He had established the church there
- There was a time of persecution but Peter and the apostles stayed
- Now a time of peace (v31)
- The great arch-persecutor Saul had been converted
- The Gospel was spreading into Judea, Galilee and Samaria
- Converts are found in places like Lydda and Joppa
- On the move
- "Through all parts of the country"
- With little mode of transport
- Lydda - 25 miles northwest of Jerusalem
- Trusting God to provide food, accommodation and lead him to the right people
- Acts 1:8
- Slow to obey this command - several years had passed by
- The gospel now starting to spread
- Challenge: Are we like this - slow to respond and to reach others for the gospel?
- Moving another 10-15 miles to Joppa on the coast
- Difficult to break routines
- Recent trip to Mozambique
- Under spiritual pressure - lots of problems but God opened the door
- Lots of blessings
- Glad that his routine was changed
- Changes to routines
- Short term missionary work
- Holiday Bible Club
- Camps
The Power of God
- v33 - Aeneas was bed ridden for 8 years
- Surely he had talked to him, had compassion on him
- Peter is given faith to know this man will be healed
- The man arises immediately
- All who were at Lydda and Sharon were turned to the Lord
- Miracles often accompany preaching in virgin territories
- The Book of Acts
- Often found by missionaries
- Miracles are often spring boards to preaching and conversion
- Miracles confirm that the apostles were appointed and sent by God
- The greater miracle was the raising of spiritually dead people and giving them life
- Challenge: do we believe in the power of the Lord to change lives
- Examples
- People reaching others for Christ
- Christians get sick and die
- In God's goodness Peter is near by
- The widows call him
- The widows are expectant
- Overview of events
- Other examples of those raised from the dead
- God at certain times performs miracles to show His great power
- The pity of God for the widows
- That many would come to know God
- Perhaps Philip had previously preached near by - Azotus
- Peter stays (v43) so that they can be established and built up
The Big Picture
- This passage reminds us of the big themes of Scripture
- One book with a great story - redemption
- Four themes:
- Creation
- Fall - explanation and consequence
- Redemption - the implicit preaching of the gospel
- Glory - to remove the curse of sin
- The theme of glory:
- We will all die but Dorcas reminds us that God has the power to raise the body
- We will be like the Saviour when we see Him
- A place of no more suffering, sickness or death
- Rom 8:18-23 - Explanation
- 1 Cor 15:42-43, 49-50, 51-57
- Example of teaching the doctrine of the consummation of all things
- Such a desire to be with Christ
- The doctrine of the resurrection should motivate us - 1 Cor 15:58
- Example of Dr Charles Woodrow
- Quote from John McArthur
- Will we leave a mark for God like Dorcas?
Closing Remarks