Pastor and People
Bible Text: Galatians 4:8-20 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction
This passage is about the relationship of the pastor/evangelist Paul and those born under his ministry
Referred to as “little children”
He is concerned and burdened for them
They are going back to the “beggarly elements”
Title – ‘Pastor and People’ or ‘Elders and People’
Both to shepherd, feed, teach and lead the flock
Members of the local church are called to obey those in authority over them
The elders will need to give an account before God for their conduct
There can be a tremendous bond within the church
When this occurs God is honoured and the church goes forward
When the unity is lost – a bad testimony arises
Paul had a pastors heart – he planted many churches
His relationship with the Galatians was strained
Many were disaffected from him
They even considered him as an enemy – v16
Other men had come into the church and spoke disparagingly of him
They spoke of Jewish traditions
They persuaded a large number of real believers that their message was true
Paul is very direct in his writing
He is afraid for them – v11
He is gentle – v19
Paul wants to set them free from legalism
Although he is concerned that they have lost confidence in him
His greater concern is they have lost confidence in the gospel
Paul is afraid for them (v8-11)
Whenever our focus is not on the gospel – we have reason to fear
Example of end times, the place of the Jews, church government, styles of worship, church programs
The Galatians were taken up with outward things – v10
Paul was afraid for them as they were going back to bondage – v9
Trapped in external and outward things
Going back to beggarly or miserable elements of the Jewish tradition
Example of a model vs a building
Paul is saying that the people are going back to the model
It is bondage – we do not external trappings
A form of godliness without power
Christmas – All the trappings but no Christ
Church – singing songs and reading the Bible but not honouring or serving God
Not just the Galatians – Col 2:20-23
Paul pleads with the people
2 Cor 6:1, 9:3
Phil 2:16
He doesn’t want people to receive the grace of God in vain
It is possible to drift/go away from Christ
Have we turned away from Christ?
Paul’s relationship to them (v12-16)
He urges the people to become like him
We all have ‘traditions’
God wants us to do all for Him
These people were inflexible, had no love for the Gentiles, returned to the Mosaic Law
But the law of Moses could not save – Gal 3:19-24, 3:11
Remember it is all through Christ – Gal 5:1
Are we tempted to return to former ways?
Are we bound by human traditions?
Paul was saying these things not because he was hurt – v12
Paul shames them by speaking of how they received him
His words may have been proverbial
However, he had a physical infirmity – perhaps he did have an eye problem – v15 and Gal 6:11
They received the blessings of Jesus Christ
We need to search our hearts
Paul would rather come with confirming words but had to bring a rebuke
Paul’s is jealous for them (v17-20)
2 Cor 11:2-3
Paul has a godly jealously
The false teachers had cast a spell over the Galatians
They weren’t genuine
Paul had great heart ache for them like children
He wants them to grow up into the full stature of Christ
Closing Remarks
We need to pray
We need to encourage
We need to obey and be submissive to those in leadership
We must do the work of God of ministry
A high standard for elders – 1 Thess 2:7,9-10
1 Thess 3:5