Parable of the Ten Virgins
- Increasing tensions between USA and North Korea
- Imagine what could happen
- We live in an uncertain world
- For the Christian - the world is not uncertain
- God is upon His throne
- We are told things will worsen
- We are to be expecting the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The man of sin is coming
- The world is not out of control
- Matt 25: the Parable of the Ten Virgins
- Jesus is in the middle of the Mount of Olives discourse
- Starting at 24:3
- Jesus speaks of a terrible tribulation
- The coming of Jesus - 24:36-51
- 25:1-13
- The Parable focuses on the coming of the bridegroom
- 5 wise and 5 foolish maid servants
- 5 are prepared and 5 are unprepared
- The bridegroom suddenly comes
- Some are gathered into the wedding and the door shut, some are kept out of the wedding
- Message in v13 - "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."
- Overview:
- All is not equal
- The Bridegroom is coming
- There are two destinations
All is not equal
- Jesus is giving an illustration - the 3rd stage of a Jewish wedding
- 1st stage - a contractual arrangement between the two fathers
- 2nd stage - a formal engagement
- 3rd stage - the bridegroom prepares a place for his wife (over 1 year) and the collects her
- Explanation
- All is not equal
- Initially, the bridesmaids look the same
- Same dress, same function
- 5 are wise, 5 are foolish
- Something different about their characters
- 5 are carefree, 5 are diligent
- Jesus often provides a contrast in his teaching
- Examples: The wise and foolish builder, the sheep and goats, the good and bad fish, the wheat and tares, the narrow and wide path
- The bridesmaids - a picture of the church (not so much the world)
- They are waiting for the coming of the bridegroom
- Examples of those in the church
- The passage is a call to examine yourself
- Are you in the faith?
- Not 50% who are saved and 50% who are not - not literal numbers
- Consider the parable of the sower
- cf 2 Tim 3:5 - there are those who appear outwardly as Christians, but are not
- Last weeks sermon - not wearing the wedding garment (Christ's righteousnesses)
- Rev 19 - the garment is Christ's righteousnesses and describes our sanctification
- Let us examine ourselves [are you saved?]
The Bridegroom is coming
- Consider the bridesmaids - 5 had their priorities right and 5 had their priorities wrong
- What is the thing that really matters in our live?
- Can we say 'for me to live is Christ'?
- Jesus' coming will be sudden – 24:37-39
- Examples
- His coming may be any time of day - unexpected
- The whole emphasis is be ready
- 24:40-41 - One is taken and one is left
- 24:42 - "Watch therefore, for you do know what hour your Lord is coming"
- 24:43-44 – An unexpected hour
- 25 - the emphasis is on 'doing' - are you living for Christ
- Are you ready for the coming of Christ?
There are two destinations
- Contrast between inside and outside
- The 5 wise virgins belong to Christ
- They shall be eternally safe and with the Lord
- They shall be in His presence
- The hope of the Christian
- The 5 foolish virgins
- Jesus does not recognise them - 25:12
- It is too late to enter
- cf Luke 13:22-30
- What will keep you out of heaven?
- There are no second chances
- You must make the decision now
- Those who are shut out are shut our because of their unbelief
- God sometimes gives people second chances in life
- We should not take our life for granted
- Sometimes people mock Christianity - but God will not be mocked
- Consider the example of Noah
- There are only two destinations in life: heaven and hell
- Which is it for you?
Closing Remarks