Old Llantrisant Hill
- Parable of the growing seed
- Parable of the mustard seed
- What are parables: earthly stories with spiritual meanings
- Jesus often talked in parables
- Easy to remember but difficult to understand
- Jesus explained the parables to His disciples
- Parables are given to those who understand and believe
- Parables have one main point/truth
Parable of the growing seed (v26-29)
- The seed represents the word of God
- He is sowing for a purpose to raise a crop
- One main truth: God's Word will do its work
- Growth is not always seen but it still happens
- We may not see people's conviction of sin, being challenged by the word, but it is happening
- The Christian is then gathered into God's barn
Parable of the mustard seed (v30-32)
- Very encouraging
- The smallest seed in the days of the Old Testament
- The mustard seed would outgrow all other plants
- It will start very small and seem insignificant but spread and spread and spread
- God is going to do great things
What brings lasting change into the World?
- Nelson Mandela - Used by God
- Man can only do so much
- We put our hope in education, politics, money, etc (but this does not change the world)
- Our morals and ethics have changed
- Only God can solve our problems
- God is establishing His invisible Kingdom within our hearts
- It is a spiritual Kingdom
- God is changing society through individual Christians
- E.g. Abolition of slavery, introduction of education, 1904 revival
- God does this through His word
- Only the Word of God changes society
- If the world is left to itself - sin is rife
- Christians need to make an impact
- E.g. Bristol church flash mob singing 'Hark the Herald'
The Growing Seed
- Very encouraging
- Whilst the man is sleeping the shoot is always growing
- We must always believe that there will be a harvest
- Not to be those wondering what is happening
- Not to be those saying it won't happen
- We must believe
- There need not be a frantic hurry - we need to be patient
- We are to be patient with young Christians (they will not come to maturity straight away)
- Why do some Christians seem to suffer in old age?
- God puts in the sickle when the time is right
- God still has a purpose for them until He calls them home at the right time
- Is the word of God speaking to you?
- Today is the day of salvation
- Believe in Him today
- He has begun a good work in you and He will complete it
The Mustard Seed
- Scientifically accurate: it was the smallest seed at the known time
- Proverbial saying: similar saying used by the Arabs and the Jews
- Jesus used language that could be understood
- The Kingdom of God begins in very small ways, in apparent weakness
- Jesus born in the squalor of a stable, taken in Egypt, grow up in Nazareth, became an apprentice to his father Joseph
- Then bursts onto the scene: does great miracles but is surrounding by earthly men
- Crucified on the cross - one disciple betrays Him, one denies Him, the others run away
- But on the cross Jesus' righteousness was given to us and we can know salvation
- The Holy Spirit came down at Pentecost
- The gospel goes t the Jews, then Samaria, then the nations
- It all started small and in seeming insignificance
- God uses the same principles today
- David vs Goliath
- Gideon vs the Midianites
- Samson vs 1000 Philistines
- God uses the same principles today
- A small band of missionaries to the Amazon
- Conversion of Augustine - Romans 13
- Staffordshire Bull
- A W Pink - one word of Scripture
- John Newton - had a dream
- God can use you
- God may be speaking in Sunday school
- The deacon preaching to a young 16 year old boy
- The man convicted by the Lord's Prayer 'Our Father'
- The welshman who went to Korea - spawned the Korean Church
- The Kingdom of God will always increase and never diminish
- Isaiah 9:7
- God's Kingdom will advance
- People might despise us but we are not insignificant because God uses us
- God's word working in us and through us touching other people's lives
- The amazon starts small but ends in a vast river
- God can do great things