The last few verses are a wonderful reminder of the grace of God Examples of TV 'makeover' programs - all aiming for change The message of the Bible - God's…
Turn to Psalm 73 A challenging and encouraging psalm The Christian life can feel hard It is a life of sacrifice To take up our cross and follow Him To…
Introduction Jesus often preached in the open air Sometimes He addressed the crowds and other times the disciples with the crowds listening In Chapter 5 - the multitudes come He…
Introduction Reading v12-14 Have you ever felt discouraged? As Christians, we know what it is to be discouraged We need to be lifted up Personal example God renewed We go…
Introduction What do you think of at Christmas? Example of homeless and the causes for this As Christians we seek to alleviate poverty 2 Cor 8:9 Poor Jewish Christians A…
Introduction There is always something we can learn about the birth stories of Jesus Example Matthew - speaking about Gentile wise men Luke - speaking about Jewish shepherds As Gentiles…
Introduction This evening - looking at Mary So much bad news at present The birth narratives - Luke 1-3, Matthew 1-2 bring praise, hope and joy A Saviour has been…
Introduction Last week looking at the genealogy of Christ Picked out 4 names - 4 women Jesus came into the world to save sinners Tamah, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba This reminds…
Introduction Who will determine tomorrow for you? We have been challenged lately Will it be the nations? Will it be individuals? Meaningless chance? The Bible states that God is sovereign…