Nehemiah 4
- Nehemiah 3
- The people worked together to build the walls
- Up until now we have seen God's blessing but now opposition and resistance has come
- God's work will always meet resistance and opposition
- Here we learn how to deal with opposition
- Taking precautions as well as prayer
- The first thing Nehemiah suggests is prayer since this is a spiritual battle
- Nehemiah 4
- When the people were at a standstill and the walls were not built there was no opposition
- Opposition only started when Nehemiah comes to seek the welfare of the people of God
- A sleepy church will not yield opposition
- When a church is vibrant there will always be opposition
The Opposition
- The opposition was increasing (v7 - cf v1)
- Sanballat - North
- Tobiah - East
- Arabs - South
- Ashdodites - West
- We are not told why the opposition was increasing
- Perhaps it was to related to the fact that Jerusalem was an important trade route
- Many ways today occur due to greed
- Nations are not content with what they have and always want more
- Our battle is a spiritual battle
- Satan is a defeated but a formidable foe
- He is content when the Church does nothing but attacks the Church when it is increasing
- He attacks the people of God
- Satan uses four tactics:
- Bitterness
- Belittling
- Bullying
- Beguiling
- 2:19 - They laughed and despised Nehemiah
- 4:1 - Sanballat was "furious and very indignant"
- Certain people seem to be embittered against the Christian faith (e.g. Dawkins)
- 4:7 - they were "very angry"
- Do we recognise that there are people who are totally opposed to the Christian message?
- The Christian Church clashes with relativism, pluralism and the morality of our age
- Nehemiah doesn't respond to these angry people
- He doesn't meet them, talk to them, go out to them
- Instead he speaks to the people of God, stirring them up
- Sometimes Christians get into pointless debates with others
- There is a time to speak (2:3-8) and a time to be silent
- We should not be afraid of their arguments (4:14)
- Stand on the word of God
Belittling and mocking
- 4:2 - "feeble Jews"
- 4:2 - Sanballat spoke this in front of his army and in hearing of the Jews
- Satan wants us to look at limited resources - God will supply our need
- Satan wants us to look within rather than looking to God
- 4:3 - they start to mock
- Non-Christians can mock: 'do you really believe ...?'
- We are told that we are brainwashed and unthinking people
- Some of the best men were Christians
- Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday
- Eph 6:13 - "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand"
- 4:8 and 4:11 - Threats of violence and to confuse the work
- Real violence against Christians: North Korea, Iran, Eritrea, etc
- We are not to fear the body
- We are not to fear man but fear God
- Maybe you feel like you can't pray, can't give a testimony
- Confusion is a work of satan
- A surprise attack
- If satan cannot attack from without he attacks from within
- Seeds of discouragement came from the Tribe of Judah
- 4:10 - discouragement
- 4:12 - The Jews had given way to their fears and the taunts of the enemy - "they told us ten times"
- Remember God
- Jesus had to rebuke Simon Peter - "get behind me satan"
We are not to be ignorant of satan's devices
The Resistance
- 4:4 - The first thing Nehemiah does is pray
- 4:4-5 - Nehemiah calls for justice, not just because they were provoking the Jewish people but because they were provoking God
- 4:9 - The people prayed
- Is prayer always the first line of defence for us?
- Nehemiah didn't get out the official papers he had from King Artaxerxes
- They gave special protection to the lower parts of the walls
- Where are the vulnerable areas of the Church?
- The young people
- Complacent Christians
- Hurting Christians
- We should be rallying around these people, encouraging them and building them up
- Where are the weakness in me?
- Have I been too lax?
- Have I been too strict?
- Have I been oversensitive?
- Do I have a tremendous lack of self worth?
- Am I envious, do I have pride?
- Is my area of weakness sexual temptation?
- Is my area of weakness my tongue or my temper?
- Do we take precautions in our spiritual life?
- They got halfway and their perseverance was tested (v6)
- The work may have slowed (needing to hold weapons) but the work continued
- They got stuck in (v23) and did not even take off their clothes (apart from to wash them)
- They worked night and day (v22)
Promote The Lord
- God brought their plot to nothing
- 4:20 - "Our God will fight for us"
- How do we speak to one another
The Outcome
- God will prosper His people
- God will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it
- God has the victory side
- God is working for good for those who are called according to His purpose
- God is on our side
- We are on God's side