Nehemiah 1
- First six chapters: about a physical situation
- Jerusalem with broken walls and gates burned down
- People are down with no hopes or desire
- Nehemiah comes along to encourage the Israelites
- Walls built in just 56 days
- The city was demoralised and the city a laughing stock
- God brought in a man from outside
- Second six chapters: the reformation of the people of God
- It took a short while to rebuild the walls but
- Took many years to see the Israelites reformed and purified
- How would you describe the church of Great Britian today?
- What parallels do you see?
- What needs to be done to affect change?
- The word of God was neglected but Ezra brought the word to the people
- Nehemiah had to deal with sabbath breaking, intermarriage, tithing
- The people needed reforming
- The Church today
- Is there a disregard for the Lord's day?
- Do church people accept morality that they would not previously accepted?
- Is the church preaching and standing on the word of God?
- Nehemiah was real before God
Nehemiah and his burden (v1-4)
- 446BC
- Living far away in Sushan, in Southwest Iran, in Persia (v1)
- Had a very important position as cup bearer to the king [of Persia] (v1)
- He wanted to know news (v2)
- Wept on hearing the report of the Jews (v4)
- He was more concerned about the people of God rather than material wealth
- Are we that concerned about the church?
- Moses left all the splendors of Egypt and joined the reproach of the Israelites
- Other examples: Joseph, Esther, Daniel
- He mourned, he fasted, he prayed (v4)
- How do we react within the church?
- Is there a burden to bring everything to the Lord in prayer?
- How much do God's people matter to you?
- Ezekiel wept for 7 days
- Nehemia wept
- Let us bring our burden to the Lord
Nehemiah and his prayer (v5-9)
- He has a high view of God
- We need to be intimate with God, cry Abba Father
- We cannot be casual to God
- We must reference Him as the awesome and great God
- How do you view God?
- He has a high view of the Covenant of God
- God has bound Himself to His people
- Prayed day and night
- He realised he was part of the answer
- We should be specific in our prayers
- Confesses his sin (v6)
- Revival and reformation comes with prayer
- That prayer always involves confession of sin
- Not hiding or pretense, but being open and honest before God
- He acknowledges the depth of his and his people's sin (v7)
- God will return to us if we return to Him (v8-9)
- Nehemiah is presenting the people to God
- Do not stand on the providence of God but on the promises of God
Nehemiah and his vision
- Written in all probability by Erza the scribe but effectively Nehemiah's memoirs
- Had a vision that the people would be restored
- What part do you see yourself in the Church?
- Nehemiah was above all concerned about the people of God
- Prayer must always be accompanied by action