Old Llantrisant Hill
- We saw this morning the problems the disciples were facing
- Judas had left
- Peter was to deny Jesus
- Jesus was to leave them
- The disciples had enjoyed intimate fellowship with Jesus over three years
- How do they get through a week - let alone get to the ends of the earth?
- Jesus gives them comfort in their trouble
- Now is the time to exercise faith in God and Jesus
- "Let not your heart be troubled" - repeated in v27
- The Ground of Faith and the Goal of Faith
- v15ff
- Pull the whole section together
- Jesus is saying the Trinity is committing themselves to these disciples
- Fellowship of the highest order: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
- You are not to be left alone - God will not leave you nor forsake you
- The promise of the Trinity being with you
God the Holy Spirit
- God will grant the Holy Spirit (v16)
- A counsellor - the Spirit of truth (v17)
- A helper, a comforter - the Holy Spirit (v26)
- Five things stated of the Holy Spirit:
- Promised
- From the Old Testament
- As close as a helper
- Joel 2:28-29
- A helper / counsellor (v16, v26)
- A term from the court
- He is a guide
- He will indwell us (v17)
- The Spirit of Truth
- To help us evaluate life
- He has the same characteristic as Jesus
- He will reveal the truth about the world and about God
- Personal teacher (v26)
- He will teach us all things
- The words of the gospel would be taught by the disciples
- We are not alone
- The Holy Spirit is a gift to all
God the Son
- He will be present spiritually (though He will be absent physically)
- v18
- The Holy Spirit communicates a sense of Jesus' presence to us
- Five things stated of Jesus:
- The Life Giver (v19)
- Because of the Resurrection we will be raised from the dead and live forever
- Jesus is the origin and author of life (v6)
- The Spiritual Joiner (v20)
- Every person joined together
- We will be joined / united with Jesus
- Example: John Bunion
- A Perpetual Presence (v21)
- Not just union but communion
- This comes in different ways at different stages of our life
- Examples
- Do we desire and ask for this?
- The Peace of Jesus (v27)
- One of His greatest gifts to us
- Peace, perfect peace
- Peace in a troubled world
God the Father
- Where the Spirit and Son are found - the Father is there also
- God the Father is with the disciples
- God's love is everlasting - it will not let them go (v23)
- Jesus has said He will take the disciples home (v1-3)
- But He and the Father will come to make their home with us [until heaven]
- Rev 21:3 - The Tabernacle of God is with men
- There is a foretaste of this on earth
- This is true for us in all situations