Bible Text: Luke 9:1-6, Luke 14:15-24 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Luke’s Gospel | Introduction
Looking at a short term mission
Duration unknown
Called to go out in 6 pairs (of twos)
Preaching the gospel of Christ
They knew this was their calling from the very beginning
To be fishers of men
To be trained in this
No gospel preaching till this point
Taught and listened to Jesus Christ for 18 months
This would be their first excursion
Chapter 10 – the sending of the 70
When the Spirit came at Pentecost, this would be their full time work
They have known some wonderful moments with Jesus
Stilling of the storm
But now Jesus is going to move out of Galilee into Judea
Jesus wants them to proclaim the gospel before leaving
The Church of Jesus Christ has always been called to go into the world
The Great Commission
Mark 1:38
Mission is at the heart and soul of Jesus
We as believers are to take seriously some of the last words of the Lord Jesus Christ
Reading Matt 28:18-20
We must pray for and support missionaries
He appointed them
Jesus called the disciples together – He appointed them
Mark 3:13-19
Their first commissioning work
There are no apostles today
Although God has raised up Pastors with a particular responsibility to preach, we all have a responsibility to preach the gospel of Christ
Every church is to self-propagate – to be a missionary church
1 Thess 1:8
Consider the parable of the wedding feast (Luke 14:15-24) – explanation
Mark 6 – Nazareth has rejected Jesus
Yet immediately after Jesus calls the apostle and sends them out
We should be encouraged by this
We are still called to sow the seed – even if people reject
Jesus is moved with compassion
He wants to see people preaching in His harvest field
He gives them power
The disciples were unique – they had special power and authority
Power to cast out all demons
The apostles were unique – given this power to vindicate their message was from heaven
This was a time before the New Testament
This was a time before the early church
We do not have this special power today but have the gift of the Holy Spirit poured out into the Church
God can still work miracles today
There are no ‘miracle/sign’ ministries today
An act of sheer love and compassion
Released from demons, sickness
When we preach we must be concerned for the whole person
Example of Romanian Ministries
Ministries of mercy must accompany the gospel
Do we need to do more within the church?
The message
They preached the gospel
Mission is none other than preaching the gospel of God
The apostles did not have the full gospel message
We have a fuller message
Their method was distinct to their mission – but there are principles we can take away
Luke 22:35-36
The strategy changed during a time of persecution – explanation
Therefore Luke 9 does not advocate that every mission organisation should go out unprepared
The principle of going by faith
Trusting the living God
Jesus wants the apostles to learn that God will provide for them
A worker is worthy of his wages
Hospitality and help can cement relationships
Not to ask for money
Whatever we think – the passage is saying we must trust God
Consider example of Philip
We should plan and prepare
But we must trust God
We should go unencumbered but rely on God
Sent out two by two
Not one team of 12 but six teams of 2
They could reach many more villages
We are to widely spread the word of God
Another individual to pray with, encourage each other
Some are called to go on their own
The normal pattern is in teams
Safety and accountability
Specific instructions:
Don’t flit around – stay in peoples homes if they receive you and bring the gospel from there
Shake off the dust from your feet – a statement that it is a very serious thing to reject the gospel of God
They should be warned of judgment – to reject the gospel of grace
This tells us that some will receive and some will reject
Leave those who reject and go to those who will hear
All the preparation is no good if we do not obey
The apostles actions – v6
The reported back to Jesus – v10
We are here to go: to preach
Not called to cure the evils of the day – though individual Christians may be involved in this
The role of the Church of Jesus Christ is to preach the gospel
We are to speak the word of God
We are to bring the good news of Jesus Christ, that He has come to save sinners
Closing Remarks
Have you trusted in Jesus Christ?
Have you come to Him personally?
If you have trusted Him, are you willing to pray and support missionaries?
If you have trusted Him, are you willing to be involved in the mission of the Church?