November 3, 2019

Mission in Galatia

Passage: Acts 14:1-20
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 14:1-20 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction

Paul’s missionary journey

Paul has been to Antioch

Iconium and Lystra

Next week to Derbe

There is a strategy to the journey

Places that are known to them
Major cities
Then smaller surrounding villages and towns

The gospel has a huge impact – a time of great awaking and revival


They have been expelled from Antioch

They travel over the mountains to Iconium – the capital city
Part of Lycaonia

A city steeped in Greek tradition

They began their mission first in the Synagogue

A great multitude of Jews and Greeks believe

Their message is accompanied by supernatural power – v1

They preach in boldness and the power of the Holy Spirit

We need to pray for this

There was opposition – v2

The unbelieving Jews poisoned their minds

This is a common tactic of the devil

They were venomous people


How are our minds poisoned today?


Often it is unbelieving ‘religious’ who criticise and speak against

They remained there a long time – v3a

God was at work
Multitude were saved
They preached boldly in the Lord
1 Cor 2:1-5

The ministry was accompanied by signs and wonders – v3c

God was vindicating His servants and His word

The people were divided

Part believed and part did not believe
Luke 12:51-53

We pray for household salvation
Initially there are often divisions with the house

Not everyone who comes to church is a believer
Are we on Jesus’ side?
Are we still of the world?

An unholy alliance – v5-7

The Jews and Gentiles are opposed to Paul and Barnabas

What had they done?

It was the work of the devil

Hatred in the hearts of people towards Jesus Christ and God

The apostles became aware of it and flee to Lystra and Derbe


20 miles south of Iconium
No synagogue but a temple dedicated to Zeus

A superstitious people

Paul preaches the same gospel

No gimmicks

Paul observes one particular person

He is given a word by the Spirit
A wonderful miracle is performed
It shows the mighty power of God

The people think they are Greek gods and want to sacrifice to them

Paul and Barnabas rip their clothes
A different reaction – not poisoning of the mind but treating them as gods – both demonic
Preachers are not to be put on a high pedestal – they are sinners

Next week we will see the terrible reaction to want to stone Paul almost to death

Learning Points/Application

Idolatry is a terrible thing

Example of Martin Luther, Gideon
Example of Paul and Barnabas

What would they see today?

How are we to react?

To love
To call things out

To follow Jesus Christ means to suffer

Quote from Paul and Jesus
We must be prepared to suffer

We are to be weak like Paul and Barnabas

We are not to bring glory to ourselves
Not for self-adulation

The Gospel causes a division

This is hard
This happened initially in Jesus’ own family
We must pray that God will save all the members of our family

God’s goodness to a fallen world

The healing of the cripple (healed his body, not just his soul)

The mighty power of God

We must never lose sight of this
We must not become accustomed to how things are
We shall not despise the day of small things
We must be an expectant people