Old Llantrisant Hill
- This morning: Matt 27:45-54
- This evening: Psalm 16
- Look at miraculous phenomena linked to the resurrection
- The resurrection of many people
- Darkness
- An earthquake
- The invisible hands that tore the curtain
- Jesus was on the cross for 6 hours
- 9am - 3pm
- 3 hours of light, 3 hours of darkness
- In the light, Jesus uttered three sayings:
- "Father, forgive them for what they do"
- "Today, you will be with Me in paradise"
- "Behold your son"
- In the darkness
- The mocking stopped
- What were Pilot, Caiaphas, Ananias and the crowds thinking?
- Jesus uttered four sayings:
- "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani" (v46)
- "I thirst"
- "It is finished"
- "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit"
- Overview:
- The Darkness
- The tearing of the curtain
- An earthquake
- The raising of the dead
- At special times God acts with supernatural power
The Darkness
- Three hours of darkness
- It was not an eclipse
- It was passover time - there was a full moon
- This cannot be explained naturally
- In whatever way God, chose to bring darkness upon the earth
- Why?
- Was it such a holy moment that Christ was taking our sins?
- Was it that Christ was suffering all alone?
- Darkness is often a sign of judgment and even of hell
- Jesus had only ever known the pleasure, delight and sweet communion with His Father
- Now the Father is punishing His only Son
- Now the Father is forsaking His Son
- This is what Hell is - being forsaken by God
- Christ is taking our sins
- What did it mean for Him to be punished in our place?
- The Christian delight:
- We know that He was forsaken so that we might never be forsaken
- He was punished so that we would not be
- Do you love the Saviour?
- My God - no longer 'Father'
- After the judgement He says 'Father'
The Tearing of the Curtain
- "Jesus yielded up His Spirit" (v50)
- He bowed His head
- He was in total control
- A sinless soul can never die
- There are mysteries here
- The curtain veil was split in two
- Just the curtain was torn - nothing else was damaged
- Can you imagine the fear that would have struck in the hearts of the priests in the temple?
- Why did this happen?
- The old system of human priests and animal sacrifices is done away with
- Christ is our High Priest
- Christ is our sacrifice
- God's invisible hands torn the curtain from top to bottom
- What does this mean for us?
- We have boldness to enter the presence of God through the blood of Jesus Christ
- Have you found your way to God?
- The tearing of the curtain is a tremendous encouragement to us
- Have you come back to God?
An Earthquake
- This was a tremendous sign
- Do you remember Mount Sinai and the giving of the law?
- Quote from the Song; 'Alas and Did my Saviour die'
- When Christ returns the earth will be shaken again
- Is this a picture of what will happen?
- Colossians tells us that Christ did not just die for souls
- It would have been an awesome event for those there
- They said: 'Truly this was the Son of God'
- Sometimes God does this with people today
The Raising of the Dead
- The open tombs and the opening of the graves (v52-53)
- Who was raised up?
- Christ came to save all people - Old Testament and New Testament
- The saints are sinners who have believed in the promises of God and have been cleansed of their sin
- Christ must have the preeminence
- Christ has a glorious body
- The people were like Lazarus, raised with a mortal body
- What happened to these people?
- There are tremendous mysteries here
- The Roman centurion proclaims "Truly this was the Son of God!" (v54)
- Something has happened to him - he is alive, wake, fearful and confessing that Jesus is the Son of God
- Christ came for sinners
- We can idolise Old Testament figures but they are sinners
Closing Remarks
- The message of Easter is that Christ came to save sinners
- The fours signs of God speak to us
- Recap
- Do you love the Saviour?