Old Llantrisant Hill
- Many people have been remembering the Aberfan disaster this week
- The pulling together of the community
- The fortitude of the people fighting the Coal board (till justice was finally done)
- The garden of peace
- Chapter 4 is about a memorial
- Joshua sets up 12 stones in Gilgal
- To remind them that the Lord opened the waters of the Red Sea and the River Jordan
- That all walked over on dry ground
- The people did not set up a statue to Moses
- There is none of this in the Bible - we do not idolise people
- There stones were just simple stones piled up
- The people did not remember a man but God
- Overview:
- What do these stones represent?
- Why the need for them?
- What is the significance for us today?
What do these stones represent?
- A sign of the unity of God's people
- Set up on the side and the centre of the river
- It was where the ark was stationed
- It was a reminder of God's covenant with His people - with God at the centre
- It was God who led them through
- United in purpose:
- To inherit the place that God had promised to Abraham
- To the place of rest
- To destroy idolatory
- This teaches us:
- The importance of unity in God's people
- Where there is unity there is blessing
Faith and Obedience of the People
- A sign of the faith and obedience of God's people
- v10
- God had instructed Moses, Moses had instructed Joshua, Joshua had instructed the people
- The people were not rebellious but
- As the priests feet touched the water - they parted
- As the priests left the water - it returned
- This teaches us:
- That God blesses obedience
- We cannot expect God to lead and guide us if we are not trusting Him or obedient to His word
- God does bless people despite them
- God honours people as they trust and obey
- Prov 3:5-6
A Testimony to the Power of God
- A Testimony to the Power of God
- The stones are a memorial to the faithfulness and power of God
- It would even speak to the nations
- Not only to Israel, but the nations around
- It is easy for us to try and rob God of His credit
Why the need for them?
To remind themselves
- Couldn't they just have remembered?
- God understands the deceitfulness of our hearts
- In times of prosperity it is easy to be coming puffed up and self-reliant
- Be careful of these days
- Samuel sets up a stone for remembrance to what God has done
- The Lord wants us to remember Him
- Joshua set up 3 memorials
- Gilgal - Chapter 4 - the faithfulness of God
- Valley of Achor - Chapter 7 - the Wrath of God
- Shechem - Chapter 24 - a witness to the people (of their pledge to God)
- The memorial a Gilgal was to be forever (v7, 24)
- It points them in an emphatic way to the faithfulness of God
To remind their children
- To remind their children
- v6, 21
- To remind their children of all that God has done
What is the significance for us today?
- Great care in this area
- Always recount what God has done in the past
- Maybe to hold special meetings to remember special occasions
- The 1904 revival
- The reformation
- We need to have books that are written lest we forget
- Our children need to be taught what God has done
- We need teaching on certain subjects
- We need to know what God has done in the past to give us hope for the future
- If the world can remember Aberfan, surely the Church of Jesus Christ needs to remember the mighty acts of God
- We must remember the one who is far greater
- The Lord Jesus Christ
- He has given us a memorial service - simple visual aids of bread and wine
- The greatest Ebenezer we can raise is to remember Christ and thank Him for all He has done
- Not to forget Him (2 Peter 1)
- Remember Christ