Maturity and Growth
N.B. The audio goes a bit funny between 9:30 and 10:30 minutes
Paul was writing his first letter to the Corinthians
It was about 5 years after he last visited the church
He preached earlier for about 18 months
He has news of the Corinthian Church from Chloe’s household – chapter 1
You can read of the division in 1 Corinthians
Paul was writing from Ephesus
He longed to come to Corinth
Lots of problems
Doctrinal problems – 1 Cor 15
Moral problems – 1 Cor 5 & 6
Questions of conscience
The first problem to deal with – unity
If the church is not united – the other problems cannot be solved
Paul pleads with the church – 1 Cor 1:10
It is right that we examine ourselves before coming to the Communion Table
He returns to the subject of division in chapter 3
He tells them three times that they are carnal
They are not spiritual but carnal (v1)
They do not have spiritual discernment
Paul must go back to the basics with them
Looking at negative verses in a positive way
What is Christian maturity?
What makes a church grow? (v5-9)
What is Christian maturity?
They are enriched in all things – 1 Cor 1:5,7
Yet they were not mature
This is a lesson for us!
The graces of the Holy Spirit are more important on the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Paul was not able to go into deep matters with them
They were spiritually dull
They could not be taught doctrine
Even now (after 5 years) they could still not receive Paul’s teaching
Paul teaches the same truth
Simple for the immature
For the mature – given it’s full understanding
James 1:22-25
v22 – The Corinthians were hearing the word but not practicing it
v25 – The mature Christian
The Corinthian church are taken up with matters of the world
See chapter 2
They weren’t looking for the word in power but putting too much emphasis on the preacher
They were interested in how eloquent the preacher was
Corinth was said to be the centre of intellectual culture – this spirit had entered the church
Heb 6:1 – the writer desires the Christian grows
We need to put on Christ daily
We need to put off the old man
We need to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit
Carnal Christians
Paul is not setting up a different category of Christian – as some have taught
The spiritual vs the carnal
Rom 8:9
We are in the spirit
We are no longer in the flesh
Rom 6:11
Dead in sin but alive to Christ
All Christians are spiritual
These Christians are giving way to the flesh
They needed to examine themselves to check they are Christians – 2 Cor
They should not be deceived – Gal 5, 1 Cor 5
There is no such thing as a carnal Christian
There is a difference to those who fall back into old ways
To war against the flesh
Who feels his sin
Who looks to Christ to overcome
Who seeks peace with others
Who thanks God for the gifts in others
Who yield to others
Who are kind and generous
Closing thoughts – 1 Pet 21:2
What makes a church grow? (v5-9)
People say they are human preachers (v4)
Paul, Apollos, Cephas and Jesus
There now seems to be two main divisions – around Paul and Apollos
Examples of favouritism
Paul makes clear he is just a channel
“What is Paul and what is Apollos?”
He who scatters and waters does not make things grow – God makes the Church grow
No titles – just brother Paul and brother Apollos
They are complimentary (v8)
They work together (v8)
Different people have different gifts
Rom 12:3,6-8
God gives the gifts
They are complimentary and all to be used
Not people on pedestals – it is God’s work
Example of Revival – God raised up the men and God used them
We must focus on Jesus Christ – especially as we come to the communion table
We are to be faithful – 1 Cor 4:2
Closing thoughts
Closing Remarks