Old Llantrisant Hill
- This evening – looking at Mary
- So much bad news at present
- The birth narratives – Luke 1-3, Matthew 1-2 bring praise, hope and joy
- A Saviour has been born who is Christ the Lord
- He has come to save His people from their sins
- He has come to be a mediator between God and man
- He has come to reconcile us to God
- He has come to give us a place in heaven
- He is the way, the truth and the life
- New of great joy for all peoples
- Overview:
- The Angel’s Visit
- The Shepherd’s Visit
- A Temple Visit
The Angel’s Visit
- Mary:
- A young girl
- Living in a back water place – Galilee (despised by many Jews)
- Living under oppression – Roman occupation
- At such a time God broke into history – God sent an angel
- If an angel appeared to us – we would be great afraid
- An angel is a holy being – a messenger of God
- "Rejoice, highly favoured, the Lord is with you" (1:28)
- She needed to know that the Lord was with her
- Example of Daniel and Joseph in the Old Testament
- The Jews were expecting a Messsiah
- But she was not a rich or powerful person
- His identity (1:32-33)
- He will be great
- He will be the Son of the Highest
- He will sit on the throne of David
- He will reign over Jacob
- His kingdom would have no end
- Kingdoms come and go – examples
- It will be an invisible Kingdom reigning in people’s hearts
- People of all nations
- The very Son of God (1:35)
- Perplexed but not unbelieving (unlike Zacharias)
- Great is the mystery of Godliness
- Stop and think about this
- The Holy One
- The angel calms her fears – she is told about Elizabeth
- Nothing is impossible with God
- Do you believe in miracles?
- The God who made the universe … can bring about a virgin birth
- If not – this means you are an unbeliever
- Let us have the response of Mary
- Respond to the message
- Without faith – it is impossible to please God
- Believe in His Son Jesus Christ
The Shepherd’s Visit
- Can you imagine the trauma of arriving in Bethlehem with no room at the inn?
- Joseph is obeying God’s plan
- Joseph is obeying the cenus
- No room at the inn – maybe a stable, maybe a cave, a place with animals
- Jesus born in such humble circumstances and laid in a manger
- This shows the amazing condescenion of God
- Mary and Joseph in a strange place, on their own
- God sends the shepherds
- God sends the angels to the shepherds
- The baby Jesus had a radiant glory – the Son of God
- The returned praised God and telling everyone what they had seen and heard
- Mary was to rejoice
- Elizabeth blessed her
- Mary magnified the Lord (1:41-42)
- The wise men rejoiced at the star
- What is your understanding of God?
- Do you realise that God desires to save people from their sin?
- Do you realise that God wants people to know peace and joy in believing?
- What is your understanding of Christianity?
- Real Christianity is knowing God, loving Him, hearing Him speak to You, the fruit of the Holy Spirit
- Christmas time is a time to reflect of the joy available through Jesus Christ
A Temple Visit
- After the 40 days of Mary’s purification – they went up to the Temple
- According to the law of God
- Wonderful occurrences
- Simeon – praises God, blesses Mary and Joseph, states that Jesus was destined for the rise and fall of many in Israel
- Joy but seriousness
- Have you thought about these things
Closing Remarks
- We have seen:
- Faith
- Rejoicing
- A reflective woman
- May this be our response to the word of God
- May this lead to worship of the living God