November 13, 2022

Love does not Envy

Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:4, 1 Samuel 18:5-16
Service Type:


We all have difference weaknesses

Maybe sexual temptation, anger, self-pity, envy, gluttony, gossip
We commit all these sins
But we may have a difficulty in one particular area

As Christians – God is sanctifying us

The Holy Spirit dwells in us
We are being conformed to the image of Christ
We are to be ‘progressing’ in grace and victory in God

The grace of Jesus Christ gives us the power to overcome and conquer sin

This does not mean we cannot fall
His love teaches us to control our temper, to rejoice with others, to love purity, shames us when we gossip
We seek to please God because we love Him
We seek to love others

God’s love – never fails

It bears all things
It hopes all things
A supernatural love from God

Tonight: Love does not envy

We do need to look at envy
The thrust of the passage – what is love: longsuffering and kind (positive attributes)
A series of 8 negatives (v4-6)

Why do we need the negative?

The love of God produces such character that we can overcome in these areas
We are not to be fooled in thinking we have much love, when we envy


What is envy and its damning effects?
How the love of God overcomes envy

What is envy and its damning effects?

Examples of envy:

The devil
He tempted Adam and Eve to the same sin
Their son, Cain struggled with envy
Joseph’s brothers

Envy is destructive

It is a failure to rejoice in another’s blessings
To want what another has
To feel hard done by
Prov 27:4
Pilate knew the Jews had handed Jesus Christ over for crucifixion out of envy

When the world throws of self-restraint – many sins abound …

… including envy
Rom 1 – speaks clearly about our society

Do you think that envy is not a problem for you?

How do you feel when someone you know is given an achievement and you are overlooked?

Are you glad for them or are you resentful?
Quote from Jonathan Edwards

Do you feel you need to keep up with the Jones?

Are you dissatisfied with what you have and want what they have?

Envy can occur in the church

Rivalry leads to division
Example of King Saul

David received the acclaim of the people
Saul became bitter and twisted
God’s presence had already left Saul due to disobedience
Saul begins to ‘eye’ David
He tried to spear David
Prov 14:30

Example of Leah and Rachel
Example of Haman
Example of Aaron and Miriam
Example of King Darius’ chief men against Daniel

To love God is the opposite of envy

1 Cor 3:3

How the love of God overcomes envy

God’s love fills our hearts and changes our lives

It humbles us

Jesus will forgive our sins if we confess them to Him and ask Him to be our Lord
We are given wonderful promises in the Bible – examples

The worlds view of happiness – all false pretenses

It is only the love of God that satisfies the soul
Example of Paul’s accolades considered as rubbish

Would you not want to rejoice with others when they are blessed

The Greek word envy – can be used in a positive or negative sense

2 Cor 11:12
Do we burn with envy or zeal for God?
Do we burn for good things?

The best gifts – 1 Cor 12:31

Do not envy

Love does not consider itself but others

Jesus never envied – because He was selfless
He came to serve
We are called to walk in His footsteps

Love is patient and kind, it bears much

Jesus had to bear much with others

Love is content

Jesus was content
Paul learnt to be content with a lot and with a little

Example of Asaph – Ps 73:2-3, 25-26

Come into the presence of God
Ask to be filled with the love of God afresh – it does not envy
God’s love will overcome
Example of David