May 30, 2021

Living with integrity in times of adversity

Passage: Genesis 37:1-36
Service Type:

Reading passage
Joseph was made fruitful in the land of his suffering

Looking at the life of Joseph

Living with integrity in times of adversity
It is important to correctly understand Joseph

A spoilt child?
A righteous man who suffered unjustly?

Through it all he shows remarkable integrity
He points us towards Jesus Christ

So we understand and apply Scripture correctly

God is often along side us in the ups and downs of life – this is sometimes a testimony to those around

A righteous man who suffered unjustly – but maintained his integrity
At Home

His brothers that hated him

A complicated home – explanation
Jacob and Benjamin were favourites

Jacob could not help the family he was born into

He experienced hatred as dad’s favourite

He was hated for his God given dreams

The brothers hated him even more – v8
His father rebukes him – v10
Perhaps it is not easy in your situation?

This developed from the home into the field

He was sent by his father to his brothers

He went
He continued to search for them

He was wearing his coat of many colours – likely his only coat
The brothers planned to kill him – v19-20

The sell him to the Ishmaelites instead – no care for their brother
He was taken away as a slave
When he arrived in Egypt he didn’t understand the language
He is sold to Potiphar – the Captain of the Guard

He continues to trust God

Example of missionary work
Joseph did not through off restraint or adopt the ways of the Egyptians but continued to walk in integrity with God

The Lord was with Joseph

Joseph’s masters recognised that God was with him

Things started to go well but then Potiphar’s wife propositioned him

He resists this due to his master’s trust
He knows the Ten Commandments written on his heart

Potiphar’s wife brings a false accusation against Joseph

Potiphar burns with anger
Joseph was confined to the king’s prison
Was he ever cleared of this?

Joseph was granted favour with the prison warder

Yet he was still in prison
Joseph interprets the two dreams of the baker and the cup-bearer/butler
God gave the interpretation
The butler was to advised Pharaoh of the situation – but he did not

Pharaoh has his dream

The cup-bearer remembers
Joseph is brought before Pharaoh and gives God’s interpretation of the dream
Joseph also gives Pharaoh advice
Joseph is put in charge of all of Egypt

Joseph had become the second most powerful man in the world – God’s dreams had come true

He ruled Egypt with wisdom and integrity

God had been with him through it all

Do we have experiences that we don’t understand?

Joseph was on a straight line to God’s purposes
God is working out His purposes

We hold onto God’s revealed truth
We should trust in God

We will one day look back and see the ways He has led us