Old Llantrisant Hill
- An accusation that Jesus will destroy the law – this is false
- Many people say they struggle with parts of the Old Testament – examples
- The civil laws given to Israel
- They struggle with the acts of God – Example of Uzzah, the acts of the Israelites
- They think it should be discarded
- We need to stop and think
- We need to understand certain things about God
- We need to consider things in their context
- To discard the Old Testament is to go against Jesus Christ – v17
- The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament
- His character does not change – examples
- The ‘bible’ of the apostles was the Old Testament
- All scripture is given by inspiration of God – 1 Tim 3:16
- Considering Jesus’ teaching on the Old Testament and the law
- Overview:
- What relevance does the Old Testament have today?
- How did Jesus fulfil Old Testament teaching (the law)?
- What does God require of us?
What relevance does the Old Testament have today?
- The law and prophets generally refers to the whole Old Testament – Matt 11:13
- His teaching was already having an effect on the people of Israel including the pharisees and the scribes
- In their mind His teaching was not compatible with the Old Testament – where the external/outside was emphasised
- Jesus emphasised the inside – examples
- They were asking ‘does He hold to Moses, the civil laws, the Old Testament’?
- There was a different note to His preaching
- Freedom
- Light shining into darkness
- Correction of legalism and self-righteousness
- Jesus knew it was just external appearance
- Jesus confirmed the authority of the Old Testament scriptures
- "Have you not read"
- "It is written"
- The Old Testament scriptures – "these are they that testify of Me"
- The Old Testament speaks about:
- Creation
- Entrance of sin and death / the fall of man
- Human nature
- The character of God
- The revelation of Jesus Christ
- The Pharisees:
- They had extracted 613 Old Testament laws
- 365 negatives – you shall not
- 248 positives – you shall
- They added around 1,500 interpretations of their own
- They created certain loopholes – examples
- Example of Jewish Orthodoxy
- Jesus exposed their hypocrisy – example
- Jesus will not be silenced – v18
- Jesus is to fulfil all Old Testament teaching
- None of it will pass away – though He has specifically fulfilled some parts
- There are principles from the Old Testament – examples
- Application:
- Not as a heavy yoke but principles
- Pointing to Jesus Christ
- The moral law of God
- It is vitally relevant in all these areas
How did Jesus fulfil Old Testament teaching (the law)?
- Jesus has fulfilled many prophecies
- Some have given a figure – 353 in His life
- Consider just one in Isaiah 53
- v3 – 730 years before Jesus’ coming
- v5 – the cross
- v6 – do you see your self like a sheep going astray?
- v7 – silent before Pilate
- v9 – buried in a rich man’s tomb [Joseph of Arimathea]
- Just one passage about Jesus’ death and burial
- Jesus fulfils all the types and shadows
- Example of Abraham and Issac – a substitutionary sacrifice
- The temple
- A high priest
- Jesus fulfils the moral law
- He perfectly obeyed this
- The Christian delights in the law of God – Rom 7:22
- Jesus delighted to do God’s work – John 4:34, Ps 40:8
- This should be our desire too
- He lives a perfect life
- We are saved by perfect obedience that provides a perfect sacrifice
- He obeys the law
- He takes the penalty of the law
- He takes our penalty of breaking the law
- He died for us
- Jesus has paid in full for our sin
- We can go free
What does God require of us?
- v19 – not just to speak about these things, but obedience
- v20 – to have righteousness exceeding the Pharisees and the scribes
- What does this mean?
- A true righteousness
- Not self-righteousness
- A life in true conformity to the life of Jesus Christ
- Not like Saul of Tarsus
- But like the Apostle Paul
- Phil 3:7-10
- An imputed righteousness
- You must receive Christ’s righteousness
- You must be born again
- You must live a life of faith
- Justification and sanctification
- Keep the commandments of God
- For any that are not saved – trust in Jesus Christ