Jesus on Trial
- Moving on from the Highly Priest Prayer (of this morning)
- Jesus was to go into the Garden of Gethsemane and then to be arrested
- It took such a collection of men to arrest this humble man
- Jesus was bound to the will of His Father (and His mission) - He did not need to be bound by men
- He was taken to Annas' house and then Caiaphais' house
- There was not to be much of a fair trial
Annas' House:
- John 18:12-23
- No doubt trying to find something to catch Him out
- Jesus made plain His teaching
- He is roughly treated
- He had previous taught turn the other cheek
- We are not to accept injustice and to appeal for fairness and justice
Caiaphais' House:
- Matt 26:57-68
- The whole council of the Sanhedrin are assembled
- They muster a whole crowd of false witnesses
- None were able to come together and agree
- Finally two come forward who corrupt Jesus' words
- Jesus was talking about His body and not the temple
- Caiaphas adjures Jesus (a reply under oath) to say if He is 'the Christ, the Son of God'
- Jesus agrees with Caiaphas' statement
- They condemn Him to death
- They spat on and beat Him
- He did not defend Himself because He knew that His hour had come
Pilates' Praetorium:
- John 18:28-38
- The Jews will not go in because they don't want to defile themselves but they are willing to hand over the Son of God (v28)
- Pilate is usually thought of as bad
- Pilate is weak but in this account seems to be reasonable
- Pilate will not just put Jesus to death
- Pilate asks Jesus if He is the King of the Jews
- Jesus puts the onus back on Pilate
- Jesus explains that His kingdom is a heavenly kingdom, a kingdom of the conscience and heart
- Pilate is drawn on and asks if He is a king
- Is he beginning to see something in the Lord Jesus?
- Jesus makes plain the truth that everyone needs to know
- Jesus came with a mission to save His people from their sins
- What is going through Pilates' mind?
- Jesus has said that He speaks truth - is Pilate hearing Jesus' voice?
- Do we hear Jesus voice?
- Do we know the truth of Jesus?
- Pilate finds Him innocent
- But maybe scared of Jesus' words
- Are we scared of Jesus' words?
- We must deny ourselves and take up our cross
Closing Remarks