Jesus is Lord over the Demonic
- Trials and suffering
- The disciples in the storm were very fearful but The Lord delivered them
- They come through the storm into great calm, but on reaching the other side a deranged man came running towards them
- Maybe the disciples thought that their trial was not as bad as that of the demon-possessed man
- This story should give us great compassion on those who suffer from inner torment
- In the modern day this story might be dismissed as a chemical imbalance or other illness, but he was demon possessed
- Evil does exist today and there are examples of very evil men in the world (e.g. Hitler)
- Demon possession still occurs today
- Witchcraft and the occult exist today
- More prevalent in some places
- We may not come across evil personally, but evil does exist on the internet or in some heavy metal rock lyrics
- We must not overemphasise evil but we must not underemphasise it
Man's Condition
- He had no home
- He lived in tombs and caves
- He roamed in the mountains
- He was tormented, he cried out day and night, he could not sleep
- We are all created in the image of God but this man's image had been so marred because of the devil
- He was a violent man
- He had supernatural power and strength
- He broke open the shackles that bound him
- He would go into the city
- What did the people think when he came into the city?
- What did the people think when they had to bury the dead?
- What did the wives of the pig keepers think?
- He had lost his sense of dignity
- He roamed naked
- He was dehumanised, deranged and dangerous
- He cut himself
- Do you think anyone would have lavished affection on him: to cut his hair, clean him up, etc?
What lessons can we learn from this?
- We need to acknowledge of the devil (and also the existence of God)
- We are not to reject or joke about hell or the devil
- All who reject Jesus will face an everlasting hell
Man's Conversion
- Jesus addressed the unclean spirit
- There was one but many, his name was legion
- We don't know how many but they went into 2000 pigs
- Why did Jesus allow them to go into the pigs?
- It was a great reminder of the amazing miracle that Jesus had done in this man's life
- It was a test for the people of Decapolis: would they place more emphasis on the loss of their herds or that this man was saved?
- Afterwards he was in his right mind, sitting and clothed
- Was previously deranged but now in his right mind
- Was previously restless but now is sitting
- Was previously naked but now he is clothed
- Calvin said that every miracle is a picture of what God can do inwardly
- Those who do not know Jesus are bound and captive to sin
- A life with Jesus allows people to love fully and have full compassion
- All who trust in the Saviour are changed inwardly
- They are clothed in righteousness
- They are made brand new
- Their destiny is turned around
- You may not be possessed by evil spirits, but are you still bound by sin?
- The reaction of the people
- Very different to the Samaritans (when the women at the well was converted)
- Were afraid of him and rejected him
- Maybe too concerned about the loss they had experienced (the pigs)
- Had stigmatised the man too much and had discarded him
- Jesus' reaction:
- He gets into a boat and leaves them
- He does not stay and try and persuade a resistant audience
- He went on to minister the gospel elsewhere
- Jesus advised His disciples to do they same when they were ministering
- Only one man was converted
- There was a mass rejection of the gospel
Man's Commission
- Jesus was not giving up on this people
- The man pleaded to go with Jesus but He would not let him
- Jesus knew it would be better if this man returned to his family, his friends, his city and to tell people his story
- Jesus knew that if the man stayed with Him he would not want to return
- Jesus knows what is best for His own
- We should speak to others about our story and our conversion
- Example of Christmas Evans preaching on this passage
- This is the first man to be commissioned by Jesus
- He hadn't much training or gone on any courses
- He had a story to tell others
Consider the truth of the gospel
There is a fine line between mental health problems and demon possession