Jesus is Lord over Nature
- Chapters 4-5 Jesus is Lord over the demonic world, death and sickness
- Jesus is the Lord of Nature
- Do you believe that Jesus is the Lord of the Universe?
- Do you believe that Jesus is the Lord of Nature?
- Do you believe that Jesus is the Lord over your family, your job, your relationships?
- Do you believe that He is Lord?
Trials and great storms can come at any time
The Trial
- Setting the scene
- Did Jesus know there was going to be a storm?
- Where did the storm come from?
- Some say God
- Some say the devil: opposition to bringing the gospel and Jesus needing to rebuke the wind, the devil used wind in persecuting Job
- God is soverign and will limit the power of satan
- The purpose was to try the faith of the disciples but also to show the glory and majesty of Jesus
- Faith: are the really trusting in every circumstance?
- Each christian is subject to trials
- Example of the Scottish Fisherman
- We do not know what God will use to guide and bless us
- Trials come to all (1 Peter 4:12)
- Trials can be sudden
- Storms on the sea of Galilee were not uncommon [meterological explanation given]
- Some of the disciples were fisherman - we are not to rely on ourselves but on God
- Jesus was asleep - only for a time
- God may seem asleep but He will act at the right time
- Trials may seem to be numerous (like Joseph) but God has a plan
The Response to the Trial
- Different responses:
- Mark 4:38 - Teacher, we are perishing
- Luke 8:24 - Master, master we are perishing
- Matthew 8:25 - Lord, save us we are perishing
- We have different responses to trials
- Often we go to everyone else first and God last
- If we cry out to God He will hear our prayer
- Jesus speaks to the disciples before calming the storm
- Jesus speaks to us
- We can have peace with God through the trial - the trial will pass
- 1 Pet 1:6-7 "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ"
- Faith is so precious and He wants to refine
your faith - 1 Pet 4:12 "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you"
- There is glory in suffering for Christ
- Jesus is seeking to take away their fear and address their need for faith
- The discples had seen miracles done but now they have been involved in one directly
- They had a story to tell and could glorify God
The Miracle
- Jesus calmed the winds and the sea
- The calm and peace was instantaneous
- They feared exceedingly for they knew they were in the presence of a divine person
- What would your response have been?
- Jesus' human nature: Jesus was so tired that He could sleep during a storm
- Jesus' divine nature: The Lord of Nature, nothing is impossible for Him
- Jesus understands all our problems and knows our frame
- Jesus is God and nothing is impossible for Him
- Jesus can change the heart of the non-Christian