November 13, 2022

Jacob is Learning

Passage: Genesis 29:16-30
Service Type:


God has different ways of teaching us – sometimes we are slow to learn the lessons

God always speaks through His word
God speaks to us through the witness of mature believers
God speaks to us through providence

Do we learn to trace His hand
Title: Jacob is Learning

Last week: God’s Kind Providence (v1-15)

Despite his failure, God was very kind to him, met him at Bethel and gave him promises
Jacob came to a well and found his people and his wife
He had arrived at the exact time

This week: God’s Chastening Providence (v16-30)

God is kind to Jacob but disciplines him in love
Is Jacob learning?
We need to learn?

Do we automatically blame bad things on the devil?
Do we see God orchestrating things for our good?
Do we see the disciplining and loving hand of God?
Discipline produces the peaceable fruits of righteous – Heb 10
Do we stop and ask these questions?

Jacob is learning

The Dream (v16-20)

When he met Rachel he had dreams for the future

He had set his love upon Rachel
He loved her so much

He was willing to work 7 years to pay for a dowry for her

He had previously cheated his brother and everything had seemed to go wrong

Now he was in this new family and he thought the promises of God would be fulfilled
His hopes were for the future

Laban had two daughters

Normally the older one would be given away first
Leah was plain but Rachel was beautiful

Jacob was drawn to Rachel
Abraham had a beautiful wife (Sarah)
Isaac had a beautiful wife (Rebekah)

He is not lustful – he clearly loved her (v20)

Ahead would be conflict:

Of marrying to wives
Pain and agony
The one he loved so much would bring in idolatory
His dream turned into an illusion

Jacob lived a twisted life for years – know he would be taught by God
Application / what do we say today?

It is not wrong to have plans
If these things replace God – you are in trouble
We need to depend upon God
We need to submit our dreams to God

The Deception (v21-24)

The custom was to give away the older daughter

Jacob asks for the younger daughter
Jacob works for 7 years for his wife
Jacob asks for the marriage custom to be fulfilled

Had Laban planned all along to deceive Jacob?

v15 – did he start out with a genuine heart or deceitful from the start?
Laban gives Jacob his older daughter first and then his younger daughter
Laban tricks Jacob into working 7 extra years [14 in total]

Jacob is suffering the biblical law – reaping what you sow
How could he be deceived when he went into his wife?

The seven days of feasting involved alcohol
The darkness would have been very great (no electricity)
They may have worn veils
He thinks he has go into Rachel but wakes up next to Leah

The one who deceived has now been deceived!
Application / what do we learn from this?
* We are born in iniquity and sin grows
* Do you trust politicians?

We must ask God to help free us of deceit
We must be prudent, cautious and wise (in trusting others)

Jesus told His disciples "to be wise as serpents but as innocent as doves"

The Discipline (v25-30)

v25 – righteous anger / a bitter pill to swallow

Laban has deceived, but Leah has been complicit in the deceit
Does he start to see similarity between this event and his own deceit?

An identity switch
A switch where people could not see
A switch involving other complicit individuals

Is he beginning to learn?

This is the loving disciple of God

All children receive discipline from a heavenly father
Does he accept the loving discipline of God?

He does not put Leah away
He accepts working another 7 years for Rachel (v30)

Jacob loves Rachel more than Leah – sin always has consequences

Closing Remarks

The Dream – was an illusion
The Deception – was a wake up call
The Discipline – is humbling, and works for good

Application / what about us?

We are to learn from the issues of life
We are to cast ourselves on God
We are to learn any lessons