Jacob flees and meets God
Looking at Genesis 28 – title “Jacob flees and meets God”
He was on the run – fleeing his brother
But he met God
Alternative title – “have you met God”
Not just an ancient person, but have you met God
This is the greatest needed of our society
Atheism is a real thing
This is a shock for people from other countries – Nigeria, Brazil
We pray for our children brought up in this society
The need a revelation from God
Not a dream, not a tangible sign
The presence of God, to hear His word, to know the working of the Holy Spirit
What about you?
Do you know God?
Are you on the run from something?
Is it a crisis time in your life
Jacob meant deceiver
He cheated his brother Esau out of his birthright and the covenant blessings of God
This caused Esau to hate Jacob
He vowed to kill his brother
Esau became bitter
His bitterness and plans come out (27:41-21)
Rebekah exhorts Jacob to feel to his uncle Laban – a journey of around 1000 miles
She hopes Esau’s bitterness will abate in time
She fears she will lose both sons in one day
She wants Jacob to marry from the covenant family
Isaac blesses Jacob as he goes (28:3-4)
What Jacob saw
What Jacob heard
What Jacob did
What Jacob saw
A very uncertain future
He does not know what to expect
He is traveling a long way away
He is on his own
What is he feeling/thinking?
He is very vulnerable
Will I see my mother and father again?
He was not accustomed to being outside (this was Esau)
It was a crisis time in his live
We have times of crisis in our life
At such times, God can meet with us
The Bible has many examples of people meeting with God at times of difficulty
Example of Joshua
Example of Isaiah
Example of Abraham (Gen 15:1)
Example of John (the apostle on the Isle of Patmos)
We are not expecting God to come in such dramatic ways today
His normal way is to come through His word as it is preached
Speaking amongst the midst of God’s people
God is not restricted to church services
Example of Henry
God often meets with messed up people
Consider Jacob
Even though he was a twisted and deceitful man – God pursued him
Example of Paul
He has a dream – a ladder to heaven on which angels are ascending and descending
Although he has born of the covenant family
He needs communication with God
He needs God to come to him
This dream shows the provision of a bridge to God
Not just of the angels but the Lord God
He sees hope
What Jacob heard (v13-15)
God was reiterating the promises given to Jacob’s father
It is one thing to have the promise handed down vs God confirming this directly to you
Matthew and Luke’s gospel trace the genealogy of Christ back to Jacob (and to Abraham)
What words of reassurance
He is alone but God says He will be with Jacob
God tells Jacob He will him back
Gen 25:3
Who does this apply to us?
Do we feel guilty?
Are you distressed about things you have done?
Heb 8:10-12
The goodness of the gospel is not what you must do for God, but what He has done for us
God speaks these words to Jacob
What is your hope this morning?
Is it in the works of self?
Is it in the work of God?
Do you trust in His promises?
Jacob heard the promises of God – he did not have second hand knowledge
Know the words of God are for you
What Jacob did (v16-19)
His experience was overpowering and he was afraid
He knew that God had been present with him
He sets up a pillar to God
He pours oil on the pill – as an act of worship
He renames the place to Bethel – meaning ‘house of God’
This has been a pivotal experience in his life
He makes a vow to God (v20-22)
To worship God
He latter renames the place El-Bethel – meaning ‘God of the house of God’
He promises to give God a tithe of his blessings
Do you see any weakness in his words or faith?
If you will be with me
Most translations have ‘if’
He may have weakness of faith
Example of the leper
There is a desire to worship God and give of his wealth
What is your response today?
Not to put conditions on God
We can ask God for help
Example of Nathanael – John 1:45-51
Surely Jesus Christ has Jacob in mind
He is the fulfillment of the promise of a bridge between God and man
When did the angels come to Jesus – examples
If you have that experience of knowing God – come to Jesus Christ
“I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me”
Come by faith to God
Closing Remarks