August 25, 2024

Is there such a thing as luck?

Passage: Romans 8:18-39
Service Type:


"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" – v28

Do you believe in luck?
Quote from RC Sproyle, Einstein

Do you wonder why certain things happen to you as a Christian?

All things come to us at some point
We are not in the hands of lady luck but the hands of God
Quote from Thomas Watson

Rom 8

A second section in this chapter
It is associated with ultimate doctrine

We should not be afraid of the purpose/providence of God and the predestination of the saints


The providence of God – what does it mean?
The providence of God and His people

The providence of God – what does it mean?

Bad definition from the concise OED – quote
A better definition from the Westminster confession of faith – quote

Not the theory of evolution or deism
Not Doris Day – Que Sera Sera

God governs the created world/nature

Col 1:16, Heb 1:3, Matt 6:26, Ps 145:15
Quote from Ravi Zaccharius
?Ps 149:16

God governs the nations

Prov 21:1

One goes up and one comes down
Quote from John Blanchard

Daniel 2:21, Ps 75:6-7
Prov 14:34

God is concerned with decisions made in places of power

The providence of God and His people


"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" – v28
The foundation of the Christian’s confidence

Paul explain’s this in three ways

The benefit of assurance

We have confidence in God
The benefit of assurance in preaching
We know that God is working for our God

The benefit of knowing this includes all things

All things work in concert (like an orchestra)

God is the conductor

All our experiences are part of this concert

God is bringing different things into our lives
Example of salt and watch gears
Though some things may be unpalatable
Jer 29:11

A loving caring application to born again Christians

Have you come to God in repentance and been washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Example of Joseph – Gen 50:20
Quote from Billy Graham – shaping our lives down here to fit up there

Are you a lucky person to hear the gospel?

A child of God if you come to Jesus
Have you heard the call to come to Jesus