December 5, 2021

Increase our Faith

Passage: Luke 17:5-10
Service Type:

N.B. For some reason the audio starts at “Faith in His Power” and the section “Introduction” is missing

Do you ever feel that churches and ministers are out of touch?
The teaching of Jesus is very high


You must not lead any of the little ones into sin
Can we live up to this?
Do we forgive?
Do we keep on forgiving?

The apostles respond – “increase our faith” (v5)

Jesus did not provide escape clauses

His message is clear and unequivocal
He gave clear teaching
We understand the disciples saying “increase our faith”

When Jesus commands – He enables us

There are commands
There are promises

How to live as Jesus requires:

Faith in His Power
Doing our Duty
Having a Humble Mind

Faith in His Power

In one sense the disciples’ reply was correct – without faith it is impossible to believe and obey God

We cannot make ourselves right with God – but God has done this work for us (in Jesus Christ)
We are to come with empty hands and believe in faith in Jesus Christ
We go on living a life of faith

In one sense their reply was lacking – we need ‘gigantic faith’

Jesus tells them to exercise the faith that they have – a faith that can move mountains
This would have been encouraging

In one sense – an element of unbelief

They are struggling
Jesus knows our struggles and inadequacy – we must be honest about this with Jesus
“Without Him we can do nothing” but “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Our sufficiency comes from Jesus

v6 – not a literal meaning but a metaphorical meaning

The mulberry trees had deep roots that lasted maybe up to 600 years!
A mustard seed was the smallest known seed

If you have real genuine faith – it can overcome the most deep rooted problem

Example of Corrie Ten Boom

It is not great faith but little faith that is needed

The gospels show many examples of those with little faith coming to Jesus (and being rewarded)
Example of the women with the issue of blood, the man who was demon possessed

Can a tree be uprooted and planted in the sea?

It can in faith
Personal example

Doing our Duty (v7-10)

We must not misunderstand – the Christian life is not solely about duty but out of grace we do our duty because we love God

Example of Prince Harry
We do our duty because we want to honour Him
Reading v7-10

A life of faith is always a life of obedience

The servant was doing his duty
We are to do the things commanded by God

We will not receive thanks – we are to thank Him
We will not receive praise

We are unprofitable servants

We have not done everything that we should have

We are saved by grace alone – Eph 2:9

But we are saved for good works – Eph 2:10

Do we follow the culture of our world?

Do it – if it feels good
Examples of things that must be done
This follows in our spiritual life


Do your duty even when it is hard

Having a Humble Mind

Have a humble attitude – as a servant (v9-10)

Yes we are a royal priesthood but also a servant
Jesus declared Himself a servant yet was the Son of God
How much more then should we serve God and one another?

This requires humility

We must avoid pride (it is not about deserving but about grace)
God does not owe us anything – but we owe Him everything
Look at what Jesus endured
We must avoid revenge

We are here to be a servant of the living God

Are we humble like Jesus?
We are “to walk humbly with our God”
They were the apostles (v5) but they too were to be servants

Closing Remarks