- We are prone to pride
- God uses circumstances to humble us - examples
- He reminds us we are weak and dependent on Him
- God gives grace to the humble
- God may humble us in His presence, in prayer, around the Lord's table
- Examining our own hearts
- At these times we are most humbled
- Christ is exalted and we are lifted up with Him
- There is consolation in Christ, comfort in God's love, fellowship in the Spirit
- Have the same love, of one accord, of one mind
- Accept one another in love and submit to one another
- Do nothing in selfish ambition
- Esteem others better than yourself
- Look out for others, out them before yourself
- Unity comes through humility
How are we humbled?
- v4-11
- Be like Christ
- He made Himself of no reputation
- He was willing to be the servant of servants
- He told people to be quiet about His miracles
- He became a man - though He is Almighty God
- He gave and gave
- He humbled Himself
- He obeyed His Father's will
- He voluntarily went to the cross
- God was pleased with His Son, He raised Him from the dead to His right hand
- He identified with us in His baptism
- He was willing to be ridiculed and rejected
- Compare the ways of the world
- Example of tennis stars
- Example of Christian humility
- Isa 66:2b
- We need a true knowledge of ourselves
- Example of Isaiah - in God's presence
- Example of Peter - in Christ's presence
- Do not consider yourself more highly than you ought
- Example of disciples
- Pride goes before a fall - we must all take heed lest we fall
- Example of Abraham and Lot
- Respond aright when you face criticism
- Example of Moses and David
- Listening to what is right
- Spending time in God's presence
- Keeping our eyes on Jesus (not on ourselves)
- Behold Him
May God help us to be humble