June 27, 2021

Hope as an Anchor

Passage: Hebrews 6:9-20
Service Type:


Example of TV Show

Sadly many were left disappointed and some damaged

Where do you put your hope?

In the covid vaccine?
A sports person?
If we put our hope in something worldly, we will be disappointed

The Christian has a great hope

A great message that we are all called to preach
The book of Hebrews illustrates this great message and speaks of Jesus

Examples of what it shows us

Focusing on v13-20

9 areas

God’s Power (v13, v16)

Seen throughout Scripture

Isaiah 43-46 – reading select verses

God is not like us

Demonstrated through Elijah at Mount Carmel
Pharoah, Nebuzzhenar, Gideon, Samson, David, etc

There is no one like God

v16 – God is greater than us
John 1:14 and other examples in John
Ultimately displayed on the cross

God’s Provision (v14)

God loves to bless
God’s blessings:

Before the fall – examples
After the fall – examples
After the flood – examples
Throughout history

Many examples of God’s blessings throughout Scripture – Psalm 136, John 1:16, James 1, Rom 8:28, Malachi 3:10

God’s Promise (v14)

The promise given to Abraham who had to wait

Are we people that cannot wait?

He gives to those who wait patiently

Trust in His plan, ways and timings
Examples from Heb 11 – Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Joseph
Other examples – David

Do we fail to trust in God’s promise to us and fail to wait patiently on Him?

God’s Purpose (v17)

Is confirmed with an oath
Heb 13:8 – Jesus is unchanging

God’s purpose is unchanging

Is clear to believers – revealed in His word


Is good – Jer 29:11
Is about what He is doing in us

God’s Perfection (v18)

He cannot lie

Example of school lesson

God is good and perfect – this is the corner stone of our faith

Though it can be doubted by many
The Bible is clear on God’s goodness and it is illustrated through scripture

Gives us hope and great encouragement

I need great encouragement
We have a great encouragement

We must hold onto this truth

God’s Peace (v19a)

Hope as an anchor

An anchor to heaven – to move forward
Not an anchor in the sea – to keep us still
Example of the anchor man

A firm hope that cannot be broken
A secure hope that cannot slip
We cannot deny the faith and hope that is in us

I know this in my own life
Others can testify to this truth also

We have a peace that passes understanding

A peace that allows us to rest completely in God

No other faith offers a certain hope

They are based on human effort
Personal example – There is no certainty
This is why we are called to share the great gospel message

God’s Place (v19b)

This is where our hope is

God’s tabernacle
David wanted to be in God’s presence – this is echoed in many psalms
The inner sanctuary – heaven
The curtain has been torn and we can now come into God’s presence in Jesus Christ

God’s Preparation (v20a)

We have a certain hope because Jesus has prepared the way for us

He has gone ahead as the forerunner
He has gone to prepare a place for us
We can follow Jesus to heaven
He intercedes for us

God’s Priest (v20b)

Jesus – is God’s priest

Priest and King
Melchizedek – explanation

Closing Remarks

All we need to do is put our trust in Jesus