Paul encourages the Gentile churches to set aside some giving each week
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."
A simple and straight forward verse
Jesus was rich but became poor – He went to the cross for us
He emptied Himself of all the majesty of heaven and went to the cross
Those who know this have become blessed in Christ
Therefore, do not withhold blessings from others
Phil 2:5-11
The doctrine of the incarnation has practical implications
Have the mind of Christ, be humble
God becoming man – very powerful
What did it mean for Him to be rich?
What did it mean for Him to become poor?
What did it mean for us today?
What did it mean for Him to be rich?
It speaks of His Deity
There is no-one greater than God – examples
Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omniscient
Jesus has all the characteristics of God
He is eternal – He was not created
Micah 5:2, Isa 9:6
He is immortal – in Him is life
1 Tim 6:15-16
Rom 9:4, Heb 1
Jesus used the Divine title "I AM" – examples
The Jews felt this was blasphemy
He said "I and the Father are one", He accepted worship
It speaks of His relationship with the Father
Matt 11:27 – He had an exhaustible knowledge of the inexhaustible knowledge of God
He had a perfect love for His Father
He did not need us – but in grace He came to save us
He was in perfect love in the Trinity
It speaks of all His ways
Abundant kindness
The riches of His grace
The care He takes for His people
What did it mean for Him to become poor?
We are to contemplate and think upon these things
We will not full understand the incarnation – how God became man
Contracted to a span but not losing any of His Divineness
We see the limitations of human existence – examples
Not physically impoverished – but becoming man and going to the cross, to make us rich
He lived in the power of the Holy Spirit
He humbled Himself
He lived with the outcasts of society
He gave of Himself to others
He offered Himself on the cross – "for your sakes He became poor"
God must punish sin but Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice
He lost communion and fellowship with God the Father on the cross
What does it mean for us today?
It does not mean we will become materially rich
The Jewish Christians were impoverished – they needed help fro the Gentile Churches
You will become eternally rich, know the forgiveness of sins, be clothed in the rightness of Christ, be given a home in heaven, be a co-heir with Christ
What does it mean to be made rich – examples
Paul used this text to impact believers in Corinth
How does it impact us today?
It should lead us to tremendous thankfulness at the grace of God
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."