September 22, 2019

Guidance and God’s Will

Passage: Acts 12:25-13:4, Proverbs 3:1-18
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 12:25-13:4, Proverbs 3:1-18 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction

The Book of Acts is a wonderful book – about the progress of the gospel

Burden re the lack of fruit
Encouraging to see God pour out His Holy Spirit

The Book of Acts is about the Church

No fine details – examples
All the vital principles for healthy strong churches – examples:

Inter-cooperation of Fellowship
The Breaking of Bed
The Centrality of the word of God

We must concentrate on these things

Concentrating on Guidance and God’s will

No one-stop answer
The Holy Spirit guiding God’s people
A group of God’s people making decisions
God’s providence – example of John Mark
Opening and closing doors – examples


Somethings are Clear
Somethings are Sensible
Somethings are Not Expected
All things are for God’s glory

Somethings are Clear

So obvious – there may be prayer backing but we do not need to pray for guidance
Example of bringing a love gift

There was a great famine prophesied by Agabus
The church was in need
Antioch was a rich place with many resources

Example – someone in need in Church

Somethings are Sensible

God does not bypass the human mind
Example – for Barnabas to bring Saul to Antioch

Barnabas knew Saul was accepted by the apostles
Barnabas was overwhelmed

Example – training up men for ministry
Example – John Mark (12:25)

Was this sensible as he later deserted 
He needed faith to leave Jerusalem and to trust Barnabas
Paul specifically asked for John Mark

Somethings are Not Expected

God sometimes works in ways that are not expected

Some are prophets, teachers


God speaks suddenly

We don’t know how? – prophecy, an audible voice
A clear message from the Holy Spirit

It must have been unexpected
It happened when they were ministering to the Lord

Praying and fasting

An exceptional situation as this is vital for the progression of the gospel
God had called them to a work

They are not given details but are called 

Should we seek such exceptional guidance today?

No – they weren’t seeking guidance
They were ministering to the Lord

Big decisions should be made in the context of the church

We should be certain God is in it
We should trust God
2 Cor 5:9
1 Thess 2:4
We must still think things through and plan

Personal example

All things are for God’s glory

Some implications:

Do we ask for the wisdom of others?

Do we consult and pray?

Do we have ownership of the church?

Are we unified in prayer

Do we recognise the purpose?

What is the work that God has called us to do?