Old Llantrisant Hill
- God saves people through His gospel
- His Gospel is a marvellous thing
- It is the greatest thing that has ever happened in history
- It transforms history
- Unless you believe in the wonder of the gospel - we are lost
- How beautiful the gospel of Jesus Christ is
- The story is full of truths that point to the Lord Jesus Christ
- Non believers attack the idea that a father would sacrifice his son
- Non believers attach God for asking for such a thing
- This power shows the might, power, love and graciousness of God
- It is a wonderful story
- God had some greater to reveal - God was testing Abraham because He wanted to reveal the gospel
- v1-5 Why was Abraham so quick and willing to obey God?
- God knew that Abraham loved Isaac (v2)
- Isaac was the child of promise
- Abraham could have protested, could have questioned
- Abraham knew that God had something greater to show him
- Abraham knew that God keeps His promise
- Num 23:19
- James 1:17
- Rom 11:29
- Isa 48:11
- Ezk 20:14
- Abraham was willing to obey God during this test - during this difficult command
- Abraham knew that he was coming back (v5)
- Heb 11:17-19
- He expected God to raise Isaac from the dead
- This is truth faith in God
- Abraham trusted God to act
- In a manner of speaking he received Isaac back from the dead
- Do we know how much we are missing out because we are not listening to God's commands
- The Gospel Message
- v7-8 Consider the greater Son - the greater sacrifice
- Isaac carried the wood - Jesus carried the cross
- Jehovah Yireh - God will provide the sacrifice
- v9-14
- Abraham believed God and acted upon it
- Abraham did not withhold his only son from God?
- How much are we withholding from God?
- God opens opportunities
- God provided the sacrifice that was required
- Heb 9:22
- We are all sinners
- God provided Himself as a sacrifice/substitute in our place
- Now we have forgiveness
- Isa 53:10
- v15-18
- Because of Abraham's obedience - he received a personal promise from God
- 2 Cor 5:21
- "Our sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross - Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, oh my soul!"
- The work of Christ was finished on the cross
- What can we learn from this short but wonderful story?
- Examples
- Can you not see how beautiful the gospel is?