Good Friday Service – Jesus the Servant
- Do you believe the Bible?
- Many don't believe
- Many cast aspersions on the word of God
- Consider Isaiah 53
- Written 700 years before the life of Jesus Christ
- Words that speak so plainly
- v5
- v7
- Can you not see Jesus in these verses?
- v9
- v12
- There are many others passages [that prophesy of Jesus Christ]
- No bones were broken
- Gambling for His clothes
- For those that say the Bible is not true
- What is your bias?
- Have you really read it?
- Have you considered the evidence?
- How do you explain the details of the prophecies of Jesus Christ?
- How can you say the Bible is not inspired?
- A wonderful passage
- The 'first gospel'
- So much doctrine:
- Justification
- Particular redemption
- Substitutionary atonement
- Resurrection
- Overview (the Suffering Servant):
- A Startling Servant (52:13-15)
- A Scorned Servant (53:1-3)
- A Sorrowful Servant (53:3)
- A Substitute Servant (53:4-5)
- A Submissive Servant (53:7-9)
- A Satisfied Servant (53:10)
A Startling Servant (52:13-15)
- He will be exalted above all, but there is something startling about Him
- People despised Him
- His face was disfigured
- He was beaten and scourged
- He suffered terrible pain
- What does this tell us about Jesus Christ and about humanity?
- It speaks of the amazing love of Jesus
- It tells us how awful humanity is
- We have depraved hearts
A Scorned Servant (53:1-3)
- Outwardly nothing beautiful about Jesus
- He was ordinary [in appearance]
- From a human perspective He was insignificant
- Yet He was the Son of God
- Who believed the report?
- He was despised by his family (initially), the religious establishment, the Jews
- Do we serve or scorn Jesus?
A Sorrowful Servant (53:3)
- We have indwelling sin - but Christ's soul was sinless
- His soul was so sensitive to sin
- His heart was filled with great sorrow as people were filled with sin and because He was filled with great compassion for them
- In Gethsemane - we see Jesus in great sorrow/distress
- Ps 69
- He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows
- Not just His own sorrows but ours too
- He is a sympathetic High Priest
A Substitute Servant (53:4-5)
- Think of how the soldiers came for Jesus
- What did He do - He stepped forward
- The soldiers fell back
- Peter took out his sword but Jesus instructed Him to put it away
- He went willingly to the cross
- Consider Barabbas
- Pilate gave the crowds a chance to release Jesus
- Pilate & Herod found no crime in Jesus
- The crowds chose Barabbas
- Jesus took Barabbas' place
- Jesus took our place
- He was bruised for us - for our griefs, our transgressions, our iniquities
- The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ (God's righteous servant)
- He is a substitute servant
- May Good Friday really be a good day for you
- May you believe in the substitute servant Jesus Christ
A Submissive Servant (53:7-9)
- He kept silent against His accusers
- He did not need to speak against these accusations
- He would not defend Himself
- He was silent (v7-8)
- He was obedient even to the point of death, the death of the cross
- The weight of sin upon Him
- He was cut off from His Father in heaven
- 3 hours of darkness on the cross (at midday)
- He was willing to do the Father's will
A Satisfied Servant (53:10)
- The Father did not take pleasure in smiting His Son, but took pleasure in the [perfect] sacrifice
- He was pleased to give those saved as a gift to His Son
- Jesus takes pleasure in His people
- Easter Sunday has changed our world
- 3 wonderful days
- Days that would change history forever
- Jesus is pleased in His offspring
- He would bring many sons to glory
- Is Jesus satisfied in you now?
- Have you trusted in Jesus and repented of your sin?
- Have you believed the word of God?
- Have you believed that you are a sinner?
Closing Remarks