September 8, 2024

God’s Purposes Never Fail

Passage: Genesis 40-41 & Romans 8:28-39
Service Type:


Considering Romans 8 but first looking at some parallels from the life of Joseph
We see Joseph again isolated in chapter 40-43

First by/from his family
Now in the prison

It is very hard when you are alone/isolated

Example of Elijah
It can be a dangerous place
The Christian can lack assurance of faith

It can be bleak to be a Christian alone

Joseph must have struggled and maybe questioned God’s purposes
Yet he knew the presence of God in a remarkable way

Chapter 40 – God was with Joseph x3
God was with Joseph in prison

He knew that God was with him

God had given him a dream as a young man – that he would be ruler with his family bowing down to him

He was destined for something very important
God had given him a revelation of the future

Joseph is in God’s purposes

But the path was treacherous with much difficulty – examples
Long years – in different places
God was forming character in Joseph through the years of trial

God was kind to Joseph in prison

Example of the butler and baker

The word of God always comes true

Pharaoh has dreams two years later
God is beginning to fulfil the promises He made to Joseph 20 years before

God is for His people

This is the great theme of Romans 8
There are many things that are against us – examples
Who can frustrate God’s purposes for us?

This does not mean things will always be ‘good’ for us

Joseph knew it was God’s power – Gen 41:16

Gen 50:20 – "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive"

God’s good purposes for us

Example of Dr Ken Elliot
The communion table is a reminder that God is for us

As He did not spare His Son – He will give us all things

Romans 8

Turning to Rom 8:28
God has foreknown a people

He loved them
He predestined them to be conformed to the image of His Son
If we suffer with Christ, we will be glorified with Him

Reading Rom 8:22-23,26-28

We love for the redemption of our bodies
The Spirit intercedes for us

Joseph would not have understood everything about Jesus

But he knew that God was with Him
He did pray to God

Jesus intercedes for us (Rom 8:34)

Do you wonder if anyone prays for you?
Jesus and the Holy Spirit pray for you

The golden chain
If God is for us, who can be against us?

The devil points out false guilt – our sins are forgiven in Christ
There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1)
We need to hold onto the promises of God

Do we live with heads bowed low or heads lifted high?

There can be troubles and anxieties

Yet never separated from the love of God
No matter how dreadful – we will never be separated from God’s love

Yet nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:39) – examples

The certainty of the Christian – God’s love is always towards us

The wonder of being a Christian
Joseph did not understand these things but he knew that God was with him

God’s purposes are good – He will never leave us nor forsake us

Things will not always turn out well
Example of Louis (not Isaac) Braille
Encourage yourselves in these truths