Old Llantrisant Hill
- Example of Jacob and of Joseph
- Ecc 7:8 – "the end of a thing is better than its beginning"
- To discover their money purse – the worst news possible
- Bad enough to be charged as spies
- Now to be accused of being thieves
- To discover all money purses – fills them with dread
- Jacob says that everything is against him
- Will he continue to believe the promises of God
- They felt in the worse possible situation
- The end was better than the beginning
- Overview:
- How God is working in the heart of Joseph
- How God is working in the heart of his brothers
- How God is working in the heart of Jacob
How God is working in the heart of Joseph
- Joseph dealt with his brothers roughly
- He was calculated with tactics
- He wanted to be sure there was repentance and change in their lives
- He wanted reconciliation with them
- He wants to see God working in their lives first
- Will he see their honesty?
- They had not confessed to Jacob about what they did to Joseph
- God was working in the heart of Joseph
- He had already wept
- He has a tender heart – but he is dealing with his brothers roughly
- He was being shrewd
- He is testing his brothers
- He wants God to speak to them
- He wants to see a change in their hearts
- Joseph is a picture of Jesus Christ
- Joseph recognised his brothers but they did not recognise him
- This reminds us of Jesus
- We do not always recognise Jesus
- God’s work – a disturbing work to show us our sin
- God’s work – to show us Christ
- Joseph treats his brothers with mercy and judgment
- He provides provisions for them
- Joseph has the power of life and death
- Jesus Christ has all power and authority
- Joseph is a vulnerable and weak man – like us
- He is kind to his brothers
- He overcame evil with good
- Jesus Christ overcame evil
How God is working in the heart of his brothers
- Did they wonder why the Egyptian man was so interested in their family?
- Did they wonder why they were given provision but treated roughly?
- They were afraid that their money was returned (42:28)
- They believed it was something that God had done
- The brothers are dismayed when they find the returned money
- God is calling them to own up to the truth
- Reuben goes too far (42:37)
- Judah responds differently (15:9)
- God tests our honesty – examples
- God is testing the brother’s honesty
How God is working in the heart of Jacob
- Where is the Jacob of Penuel who wrestled with God?
- Jacob felt bereaved
- The traumas of the past can affect our present
- All Jacob can see is darkness
- Christians can be in a situation where they see no hope (42:38)
- Chapter 43 – things begin to change
- Jacob ‘becomes’/starts to act again like Israel
- He formulates a plan
- He begins to pray
- He resigns himself to God’s will
- God was at work in his heart also
Closing Remarks
- What is God doing?
- He is working in people’s heart to affect reconciliation
- God is at work in our lives
- Ecc 7:8 – "the end of a thing is better than its beginning"
- "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord"
- 2 Samuel 22:4
- Hope in God through all you go through