Old Llantrisant Hill
- Focusing on v15
- It predisposes...
- That this God can be known
- That He dwells with people
- This verse applies not only to the backslider but also the person who has never known God
- Man's fundamental problem is unbelief - the suppression of truth
- God has placed eternity in the hearts of men
- This is why people think there must be something more
- This is why we yearn for a higher being
- We are an evolved lifeform
- God cannot be quantified or qualified - He is invisible
- Some say we are nothing but a higher animal
- Think of what humans have: language, self-reflection, reasoning, a capacity to worship
- Humans are so different to the animals
- Think of how we treat our dead vs animal instincts
- Think of how we understand good and evil
- There is a vast difference between an animal and a human being
- v15 tells us we have a God who wants to know us and dwell with us ...
- ... for those who have a contrite heart and a humble spirit
- The verse in context is a verse for a greatly back-slidden Israel
- v3 - sorcery and witchcraft
- v6-8 - worshiping idols and lewdness
- v14 - God says things need to change
- v16 - God gives His people a great promise, despite their terrible wickedness and unspeakable evil
- God would send them prophets to warn them of their sin
- God would not be angry with them forever
- Overview:
- Who is God?
- How can He be known?
- What must I do?
Who is God?
- He is the high and lofty one
- He is not like one of us
- He is not a god of our imagination
- The Bible points you to a transcendent God, of which the gap between God and man is infinite
- There is nothing outside of God
- His name is holy
- Isaiah speaks of the holiness of God
- Isaiah's glorious vision in chapter 6
- God is not like us
- There is so much unknowable about God
- He is majestic
- He is holy
- He is absolutely just
- He hates and disdains all that is evil
- He is perfect
- He is so different and distinct from us - yet mysteriously we are made in His image
- God is a Father
- God is the Father and the Son
- God is a triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- He is omnipotent - God can do anything
- He is omniscient - God knows all things
- He is omnipresence - God is everywhere
- But He dwells in the high and holy place
- But He dwells with man
- God is love
- It is a holy love
- It is a righteous love
- We can know God
- He has forgiven sin
- His heart beats for us
How can He be known?
- If there is an infinite gap between God and man, how can He be known?
- God has bridged the gap
- Isaiah was prophesying of the Messiah
- God has sent His only Son to bridge the gap between God and man
- He came in the person of Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ:
- We need to be careful about limiting God
- He performed many miracles and met many people
- He went to the cross
- We can know God only through (the finished work of) Jesus Christ
- To those who have a contrite and humble spirit
- Jesus said - "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the kingdom of heaven"
- To those who have repented of their sin
What must I do?
- I must repent
- Personal
- Nation - examples
- The people of God
- I must repent of my sin - whatever it is
- To look to Jesus
- To return to God
- The parable of the prodigal son
- cf v18
- Explanation
- Become like a servant
- God will embrace you with loving arms
- Do not spurn the love of God
- v19-21
- A wonderful gospel promise
- A warning