August 18, 2024

Glad Submission

Passage: Genesis 39-40, 1 Peter 2:9-25
Service Type:


Looking at Genesis 39-40 and concentrating on the passage from 1 Peter

A young man submitting to his employer
The need to submit in our workplace and to governing authorities

An abuse of power is very serious

As old of the history of mankind
Example of Pharaoh, Potiphar, Darius edict

How are we to react as Christians when there is an abuse of power?

We can stand upon our rights – Example of Paul
Example of Detrich Bonhoeffer
We are not called to be passive
We are to pray and do good to those, not to have a vindictive spirit

Considering the normal position of the Christian

To be submissive, to cooperate, to be upright citizens

Only called to disobey when against the clear commands of God
Example of Meshach, Shadrach & Abednego and Peter & John and the midwife Hebrew women

This teaching is in the New Testament

2 Peter 13-14

Submission to the state and to our employers

Joseph in Egypt
Jo Blogs (the Christian) in Britain

Joseph in Egypt

Genesis 39/40
Joseph suffered many abuses of power

He was an involuntary slave

He did not become insolent or difficult or hateful

He gains the trust of his master
He is a young man, a foreigner
He has no bible, church, fellowship with others

Yet God is with him

He loves and fears God
He becomes a remarkable example of a good employee
He gained the trust of Potiphar by humble submission
He prays and testifies (Gen 39:3)
He becomes second only to Potiphar / his right hand man

An excellent employee

This will not occur for every Christian employee

We have opportunities to shine before unbeleivers

We learn to be submissive

He was falsely imprisoned

Psalm 105:17-18

Consider how he might have gone over his life now in this awful situation

Years in prison

Yet God was with him

The grace of God had transformed him

The butler and baker joined him / were handed over by Potiphar to Joseph (Gen 39:1 vs 40:2-3)

Joseph might have had resentment against Potiphar

Why should he look after them?

Yet, he serves them

He gains there confidence
He interprets their dreams

The secret – God was with Him

God is especially with us as Christians
Rom 8:36-37

Jo Blogs (the Christian) in Britain

Looking at 1 Peter 2

Submission to Government

We know many freedoms – examples

We live in a society where the rule of law can quickly break down – example of riots, no respect in schools
Submission is no longer a healthy word – people no longer want to be under the authority of others

The New Testament speaks about the need for submission in many areas – because we submit to Christ

Rom 14, Eph 6, Col 3, Tit 3, 1 Pet 2

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man (v13)

Peter was writing when Nero was in power and did terrible things to Christians
Yet he advises Christians to submit to those in power (v14)

No government leads to anarchy
We must pray for governments

We are to do good at times of difficulty (v15)

We are to be peacemakers because God is a peace maker

We are not to use our freedom as a cloak for vice (v16)
Honour all people (v17)
Honour the king (v17)

Even though the emperor was a wicked and evil man
Be careful not to get caught up in slander

We must speak truth

Respect the office

Rom 13:1, Dan 2:21, Tit 3:1, 1 Tim 2:1-2

We must see what God is doing and thank Him for this

What if we think the government has gone to far?

Example of closing Churches during the Covid-19 pandemic – Heb 10:24

Churches were treated no different to others in a pandemic!

It would be different in a time of peace

Not unless a Daniel or Peter & John situation

Only when asked to do something sinful

Submission to our employer

A servant in the case of a worker (v18)

We have trade unions and others to help

Even if your boss is bad, be submissive – examples

Do what is right before God (v20)

Do not be a bad employee

Luke 6:32-35

Our spirit should honour them – even if we take things to a formal level

Because Christ is our great example (v23)

If we act as Christ, people will see and take note
He suffered terribly and by His stripes we are healed

Closing Remarks

Remember one word "submission"