Gifts? But what about love?
This evening we are looking at the local Church
Last time – church with the differing gifts of God’s people
A privilege to be a member of Christ’s body
The ‘one anothers’
The rules of church membership can be summed up as love one another
Any gift that causes division – is not from God
All God’s gifts unite His people and build His Church
Our gifts can be honed and improved as we learn form one another
This is often how we learn as Christians
Example of giving, administration, organisation, teaching
Mutual and overlapping gifts
Spiritual gifts are not the same as natural abilities
1 Cor 12 and Romans 12 – gifts given by the Holy Spirit
There is a spiritual aspect
Everyone has at least one gift, many have several
Example of Timothy – evangelist, teacher, pastor
Multiple gifts may overlap
They are for the growth and maturity of the church
Looking at 12:28 – 13:3
Title – We may have gifts? But what about love?
Understanding the first century church
Nothing without love
Understanding the first century church
The primitive or early church
It was a unique time – never to be repeated
A special time
The Old Testament had been closed and a New covenant/Testament brought in
Special gifts were given to the Apostles
What was their role?
What does it mean the Church was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets? – Eph 2:20
A unique era
Many of the people the apostles were preaching too – had seen the miracles of Jesus
The apostles were eye witnesses of the resurrected Christ (seeing Him both before and after)
The Holy Spirit was poured out in great measure on the Day of Pentecost
A unique time
God’s word began to spread amongst the nations
Initially His ministry was confined to Israel
It spread with great power and speed
A transitional time
In these last days God has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus Christ – Heb 1:1
Jesus Christ is the full and final revelation of God
The Gospel writers would document His life
The apostles would add their epistles
The cannon would then be closed
The 12 apostles
They were guardians of the truth / they were to teach the Church
God chose an apostle to replace Judas – Acts 1:22b-25
The apostle had to be an eye witness of the resurrection
12 apostles to represent the 12 tribes of Israel
12 thrones
The apostle Paul – born out of due time – 1 Cor 15:8 (he saw Jesus on the road to Damascus)
They had extra-ordinary power – 2 Cor 12:12, Acts 5:12 – the power to perform miracles
They were unique men
There are no more apostles today
They have laid down the Scriptures
The miracles are generally associated with the apostles or those close to them – Acts 8:6-8
The gifts
The offices of apostle, prophet and teachers
Gifts associated with these offices – miracles, healings, helps, administration, tongues
Miracles were given as witness to the truth of the preached word – Acts 14:3
Who were the prophets?
Those who had a ministry within the local church
There were no (New Testament) Scriptures available at the time
They may have had limited access to Old Testament – how would they understand these texts speaking of Jesus
The prophets were given to help the people understand
They were given fresh revelation of Jesus Christ
Sometimes they predicted
Groups of prophets – Acts 13
They were given the full revelation of God – Eph 3:5
Foundational to the early Church – Eph 2:20
There are no further prophets as their work was foundational
A Prophet is differ from prophecy
Eph 4:12 includes evangelist (the lists are not exhaustive)
A Prophet explained, a teacher explained
Evangelists were preaching to those outside the church
Pastor/teacher is one word in the Greek (Eph 4:12)
Paul did not appoint prophets but elders and deacons
James was not replaced when he died – the role of the apostles had been fulfilled
We are very privileged
We have the whole Bible – the full and final revelation of God
We should study it, meditate upon it, value it
How is your quiet time?
Do you value the preaching of His word?
God is the same God
He can perform miracles today
Example of missionaries where there is no gospel work
He gives the gifts that are necessary within the Church
Be wise in the use of your gift
Do not be complacent
We are to earnestly desire the best gifts
Prophecy was desirous at the time – 1 Cor 14:1
Do not over value certain gifts – Example of tongues
Nothing without love
Everything is worthless without love
Example of from pastor
Matt 7:21-23
It is not all about gifts (v1-3)
Graces are more important
Words might be prefaced by ‘God has told me’
There was a lot of ‘noise’ in the Corinthian Church
There is no concern to build up the church
There is no love for the people
Knowledge and great theology – is nothing without love
We come as babes/children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven
Great faith – is nothing without love
Great sacrifice – is nothing without love
Jesus sacrificed because of love for sinners
Do not go with wrong motives – example
Is it a response to His love?
A searching but a beautiful passage
It shows what a Christian can be
Closing Remarks