Genesis 3
Bible Text: Genesis 3:9-21, Psalm 14:1-3 | Preacher: Henry De Oliveira | Series: Visiting Preachers | Introduction
Living in a post modern society – the claim of no absolute truth
The Bible has lost its value in society
Many have no respect for the word of God
Some even claim that rejecting God is a sign of intelligence
At Tabor we believe and preach the word of God
Genesis 3 – filled with timeless truths
We cannot brush over this chapter
These words still speak to our situation today
cf Psalm 14:1
Why are so many people choosing to deny God?
Because of what happened in Genesis 3 in the Garden of Eden
As humans – we need to stop and ask serious questions
Looking at a conversation between God and man (v9-12)
Imagine that this conversation is between you and God
Adam is a representative of us as sinners
What does God reveal to us about ourselves?
What does God reveal to us about Himself?
What does God reveal to us about about His plan of salvation?
What does God reveal to us about ourselves?
God called out to Adam
It is not that He did not know where he was
He had a specific purpose in asking this question – ‘Adam, do you know where you are?’
Given an account and confess
Do you understand what you have done
Adam admits his shame and nakedness
Before this chapter – he did not know this
He is also spiritually naked
However, he only admits a superficial problem
Staying at the surface with God is not enough
God desires for us to consider the root of our situation
God wants Adam to dive deeper into his current condition asks more questions
He is causing Adam to see the state of his own heart
Adam could see from his own words the state of his rebellious heart, but…
He blames God for his condition (v12)
We find many to blame for our sin
Do we go as far as blaming God?
God is asking these questions to Adam, as He wants Adam to see the state he is in
God wants us to see the state we are in
Society rejects this
Who wants a mirror to see the ugliness inside
Heb 4:12
When people are faced with the reality of their sinful situation – they are quick to dismiss God rather than accept the truth
God reveals our hearts, so that we would turn to Him to be rescued
Adam blames his wife (v13), yet “I ate”
It was his own action – he must take ownership of his sin
This is the first start of repentance – confession
What does God reveal to us about Himself?
In Adam’s rebellious state – God had the right to strike him down
God is full of grace and mercy
He is just so did not acquit them of their guilt
There was a consequence of their crime
God gave opportunity for reconciliation before death
He withholds His judgment for a little time
2 Pet 3:9
God’s mercy is not dependent upon our confession
God chose to show mercy
Consequences – v14-19
Lesser consequences given to mankind
The serpent if greater cursed
The earth is greater cursed still
Yet God was still gracious and merciful to Adam/Eve and the human race
The woman would bring forth children – the human race would not die
A promise
Are we staying in darkness, holding on to our darling sins?
What does God reveal to us about about His plan of salvation?
When Adam stood still, God declared His plan of salvation
Do we hear God’s voice in the business of life?
The word of God is not silent – The Bible still speaks
The ‘First Gospel’
In humanities darkest hour, God reveals the hope of all mankind
The Seed of the woman would come and bruise the serpents head
So that we might have salvation
Salvation can only come through God
Adam and Eve couldn’t do anything
God would do everything that was needed
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the fulfillment of this great plan
We cannot pay the ransom price
Jesus gave His life as a ransom for many
He was our sacrifice suffering for our sins
God made tunics to clothe Adam and Eve
Notice that blood had to be shed
A picture of what was ultimately needed on the cross
Christ’s blood shed for the remission of sins – once and for all
What good news
Yet many reject:
Many reject God’s way of salvation as they reject sin
Many reject the God of the Bible being the only way of salvation
Many would rather live their life their own way
Closing Remarks