Genesis 1
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-31 | Preacher: Henry De Oliveira | Series: Genesis | Introduction
There is much confusion about our origins
The theory of evolution has gripped many
There is trouble with the theory of evolution
There is confusion with many
They ask does God exist?
Many have made up their mind that there is no God – but often many have no reasoning
Have we considered this big question?
Today we should see the might, glory and power of God
Who is God?
Do I know Him?
Genesis 1 is very important to the Christian
It sets the backdrop for all that follows
If we don’t believe this chapters – the rest of the Bible loses credibility
The Bible is infallible
There is no other book in the history of this world that has changed lives as much
It is a wonderful book – about God
The first sentence starts with God
It is take as a matter of fact that God is
Not to ask if God exists
Ask better questions
The Bible shows us who God is
Greater than any equation or philosophy
It is our primary source
We cannot make up what we want about God
Anything that contradicts the bible has not come from God
How can we know God?
Example of Anne Frank
We can think of the bible as God’s diary
Come and draw from this well
God is Eternal
v1 – In the beginning God
He is eternal
He was already there
He has no beginning
Before time God was
This is mind boggling and difficult to understand – it is beyond our comprehension
We need to know ‘when’ and ‘where’
God is not held by boundaries or laws
God is self-sufficient and self-existent
God is Creator
v1 – God created the heavens and the earth
God created everything
Even to every little part
The triune God was present in Creation
The Spirit of God hovering on the waters
The Word was spoken – cf John 1:1-3, 14
The triune God created all things
Example of our building
Example of our bodies and nature
God created from nothing
Just from speaking
We can marvel at God’s handiwork
v16 – nothing is too difficult for Him
How has such authority but God and God alone
God created science
Good science will not contra-indicate God
We cannot leave God out
Job – where were we when the world was created
There is a beauty and a symmetry / a plan / an order and purpose
First 3 days – creates and separates
Second 3 days – God fills creation
Then v26
God saw that all He had created was good
He is a God of perfection and order
He found pleasure in His creation – v31
Everything must conform to His standard
He knows what is best for us
We need God in our lives
Jesus said “without Him we can do nothing”
God does not want suffering
Ps 8:3-4
God cares for us
God made man in a special way
So he could know God personally
God cares for us
Some atheists say God doesn’t care – He does
God should be glorified
Rev 4:11
Ps 19:1
Sinful man would rather believe a lie than face the truth
God is evident – there is no excuse – Rom 1:20
Rom 1:21-25
Example of Stephen Fry
Gen 1 is a clear declaration of who God is
Turn to your Creator
Isa 65:1c-2a
God stretches out His hands to us
Isa 55:6
Closing Remarks