Fruit of the Spirit
Bible Text: Galatians 5:16-26; Ephesians 4:1-6 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction
Life is filled with contrast
The Fruits of the Spirit vs The works of the flesh
Something beautiful next to a rubbish tip
The Fruits of the Spirit
Still a war within us
Walking in the Spirit
The call of the Christian is to sanctification
To be made more like Jesus Christ
The Spirit of God is working in us to make us more like Christ
We are being transformed
9 virtues listed
Singular fruit
All are to be part of the Christian’s life
They come as a whole
They are not works we can achieve
It is fruit that God works in us
Our role is to remain in the Vine (cf. John 15)
We must pray
We must read the word of God
We must wait on God
We must abide in Him
Is there an ascendancy in order?
Love mentioned first
Love encompasses kindness and patience
God is looking for us to be more Christlike
cf 1 Corinthians 13
God is love
If God was only Holy – we would fear judgment
He has demonstrated His love in Jesus Christ – explanation
Our love for Him can go cold
Losing our first love, worldliness, self
“Do you love Me?”
Our love for God
Is seen in our attitude to our neighbour
Is seen in how we treat those who hate and curse us
More than just happiness
Not based on external circumstances
cf. Paul and Silas in prison
Supernatural and God given
Our joy can be full
Our joy can be inexpressible
It is the “joy of the Lord”
A work of the Holy Spirit
The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit
We ought not to have a sour and bitter spirit
Directly produced by the Lord (as with the above)
God given – Jesus gave us His peace
Not superficial or shallow
Not based on false premises
Knowing that sins are forgiven
Knowing that all is well with our soul
Live peaceably with our fellow man
Do not quarrel
Do not be divisive
Be peace makers
Long Suffering
Patience, long suffering
God is slow to anger
He desires that none should perish
He shows common grace
God is long suffering with His people
So we are called to be long suffering
Does our demeanour give us away?
Are we impulsive?
Not a character trait but a work of the Holy Spirit in us
God is kind to the just and the unjust – common grace
Example of Jesus
The world is full of unkindness and nastiness
Christians are to be different
Christians are to be kind and gracious
Being morally upright and pure
About motives
Only God is truly good
We have God’s goodness when we are saved
We have the light of Christ in us
Romans 15:14 – can this be said of us?
God is faithful to all His promises and His word
Jesus Christ is utterly faithful to His Father
What about us?
A weak church lacks faithfulness
Faithfulness is an important quality
We lack faithfulness through a failure to guard our heart
The Spirit produces faithfulness
When we see this in other Christians – we are encouraged
Is this important?
God is almighty and all powerful
Yet God is tender
Philippians 4:5
2 Timothy 2:25
The Holy Spirit is described as a dove
We are not to grieve Him
What is our part?
God’s gifts …
… yet we must pursue it:
Work it out with fear and trembling
How are you in eating, speech, reaction, driving?
It is about ruling your spirit
Similar to the last three fruit
A work of God, but we must cooperate
Are we self-controlled – examples
There are things that can be taught – Titus 2:2
Closing Remarks
Not about law keeping but the life of the Spirit
The Fruit of the Spirit is the work of the law
Gal 6:7-8