October 4, 2020

For nothing can separate you from His love

Passage: Romans 8:35-39
Service Type:


It is very difficult during these times

For students and teachers
It can be hard for children
Those children who find it hard at school and hard at home

If you are a believer

The most important thing to remember throughout our trials – is that we are loved by God
Christ will never stop loving us
This gives us peace

Reading: Romans 8:35-39

Beginning a new series ‘Be Strong in the Lord’

The apostle was absolutely persuaded in his heart and mind that nothing could separate him from the love of God

Is that your experience?
Paul was persuaded

Do we rejoice in God?

Example of puritan preacher

We have every reason to rejoice
“All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”
“If God is for us, who can be against us”

Quote from George Muller

Are we happy in God?


What is the love of God?
What tries to separate us from this love and why does it fail?
Why can the Christian be strong in the Lord?

What is the love of God?

Primarily found between the three Persons of the Trinity

Innate to God
“God is love” – 1 John 4: 8

A description of God’s love – Eph 3:16-18

Do we comprehend the love of God?
Do we pray that we will be filled with all the fullness of God
Are we filled with the love of God?

Not just to be described but known:

1 Cor 13 – it is the greatest thing of all
God has so many attributes – but do we dwell on His love?
Col 3:14 – “put on love”

A demonstration of God’s love

Giving of His only Begotten Son [The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ]
The behaviour of Jesus – examples
His sacrifice on the cross

His love:

An eternal love – underneath us are the everlasting arms
An electing love – there is a special love for His people
An irresistible love – He draws us to Himself
An invincible love – it overcomes and never fails
A personal love – Jesus loved us
A unchangeable love – the same from day to day

Two examples from hymns

What tries to separate us from this love and why does it fail?

No circumstance can separate us from God

Even our sins [provided we are in Christ]
Satan cannot separate us – we are justified in God
All the trials of life cannot separate us from God

Tribulation and distress – v35

The Greek meaning ‘to be crushed and squeezed’
Covid-19 is a tribulation for us all – it is extremely restrictive
Covid-19 is a distress for some – examples
There may be other tribulations or distress in your life

Persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword – v35

Examples of those persecuted – are they separated from the love of Christ?

Paul is clear – no!

Example of Old Testament characters – were they separated from the love of God?

No – v36/37
Paul had suffered these things – yet he was not separated from the love of God (cf 1 Cor 11)

Covid-19 is an opportunity to show that we are different to the world

A series of contrasts – v38-39

Nothing in the universe can separate us from the love of God

Time and space is in God’s hand
No created or supernatural thing will separate us

Death – the great separator, yet it will not separate the Christian from the love of Christ

It is a doorway into heaven
We have the resurrection from the dead
We should not fear death


Quote from Hamlet
Life can be very cruel
Life can be mundane

Height nor depth

No place can separate you from the love of God

No created thing

Can separate us

But … this love of God is only in Christ Jesus

Have you come to Christ?
Do not make excuses for your situation – we are more than conquerors in all things/situations

It is as we trust in Christ that we find strength to conquer

Why can the Christian be strong in the Lord?

How can you be strong in the Lord?

Put you hand in His and trust Him
Example of the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak
Example of Esther
Trust and pray to Him

Closing Remarks