May 29, 2022

For love of Christ

Passage: 1 Corinthians 9:1-18
Service Type:

Apologies for the reduced audio quality

Example of CT Studd and Fred Orr
What did the apostle Paul give up?

He was a man at the forefront of the Jewish cause
He gave it all up
Christ had become his all

We see someone who is willing to forgo his rights and endure poverty for the gospel

He rarely stood on his rights
He often gave them up for the Lord

Chapter 8-10 form a unit – forgoing ones rights to see the gospel prospering

Those with a strong conscience about eating meat scarified to idols – should forgo meat if eating in front of weaker brother (8:13)
A worker is worthy of his wages – he is happy to forgo his rights (v12b)

He is not in it for the money
He preaches the gospel free of charge
He supports himself from his own hands
He does the willingly
He has the necessity to preach the gospel laid upon him

We should be willing to forgo some of our cultural preferences to win others over (9:19-20)
Give no offense with regards to food (10:32)

Be inflexible about the gospel – be flexible about tradition and culture

Be willing to forgo your rights
Why – because Jesus was like this

Christ emptied Himself
Christ was obedient to the death on the cross

How much are we prepared to humble ourselves and to forsake our rights for the love of Christ and the gospel

Paul challenging the church about the financial commitment to gospel workers (v1-15)
An example to follow (v16-18)

We need to support our Pastors and pay them well – not rely for example on Missionaries

Corinth was a prosperous city but they were discriminatory in the way they supported preachers

2 Cor 11:8-9 – Paul received freewill offerings from other churches
He should have been supported by the Corinthians but he need the money from others…
…even though he worked night and day with his own hands

Paul challenging the church about the financial commitment to gospel workers (v1-14)

Paul asked many questions – 16 questions!

Paul is challenging them
He is using Old Testament scriptures and common sense language
Are we living according to God’s word?

Paul is under attack (v1-6)

He is an apostle – the last to see Jesus (1 Cor 15:8)
His work – these people became Christians through his ministry

Beware of those that spread lies and split the church
Does he not have a right to eat and drink or have a wife?
Must they continually work to support themselves?

Paul’s rebuttal – commonsense (v7-8)

Even those in secular fields would benefit from the ‘fruit of their hands’
It should not be any different in the work of Jesus Christ

Paul’s rebuttal – the Old Testament (v9-10)

Deut 25:4
You should not be muzzling gospel workers – example
God is not talking just about oxen – there is a spiritual principle

Paul’s challenge (v11-14)

If they have reaped spiritual things – are they not entitled to material things?
There is a right to material things 
Yet they have not used this right  – lest they hinder the gospel

2 Cor 8 – He is more concerned that they would be a cheerful giver
The giving of the church encourages our pastor

We do not profit from the gospel

Example of Mark Driscoll and Hill Song

The Old Testament priests were entitled to a portion of the offering
Those who preach the gospel – should live form the gospel

Luke 10:7
1 Tim 5:18

Are the younger as generous as the older?

An example to follow (v15-18)

Paul willingly preached the gospel

He felt compelled to do so – he could do nothing else

Woe to him if he does not preach the gospel

He would not ask for money and so abuse the gospel

He preaches free of charge – though people may support him

What rights should we forgo?

Example of Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones
What areas of our lives need self-denial?

In what ways can we support gospel work?

More prayer?
More practical support?