Old Llantrisant Hill
- St. David's Day
- We celebrate Welsh-ness
- Why St. David?
- St. David
- A monk, preacher and a teacher
- There are many myths about him
- Superstitious beliefs may make us suspicious
- Jesus
- We can be absolutely sure that all is said of Him is true
- The miracle of the Feeding of the 5000 - fact
- Recorded in all four gospels - we should take note
- Miracles
- Defy the natural order - something supernatural
- Cannot be explained according to scientific law
- Jesus divides the bread and it keeps multiplying
- Do you believe this?
- Overview
- The purpose of miracles
- This miracle
- The significance for us today
The purpose of miracles
- Personal example
- Not a miracle but an answer to prayer
- God's providence
- Miracles
- The suspension of natural order - something Divine and of God
- Are not as common as you might think
- They come at certain times and for certain reasons
- A lot at the time of Moses - a special time of revelation, authenticating His messenger and word
- A lot at the time of Elijah and Elisha - the time of the Prophets
- A lot at the time of John the Baptist and Jesus - Jesus Christ, the final revelation of God
- People were talking about Jesus and saw He had a power that no-one else had
- Acts of power and compassion, but also authenticating God's word
This miracle
- It teaches us specific truth about Jesus Christ
- Background to the miracle
- Jesus wants to take the apostles aside in solitude
- But many get into boats to join them - at least 5'000 men besides women and children
- If you have had news of a death, you don't want to see lots of people, but ...
- Jesus welcomed the people
- Do we have compassion on those around us?
- Even though they were coming for the wrong reasons
- He taught them, He healed them, He loved them
- Are we satisfied in God or do we have emptiness and a troubled soul?
- A need - v12
- The disciples see the need and think they know the best course of action
- They just wanted the crowds to go away
- They are a bit audacious telling Jesus how to act
- Do we seek our own way or do we trust God?
- Jesus tests His disciples
- An impossible task - humanly speaking
- He wants them to be involved in the solution
- Andrew does find 5 small loaves and 2 small fish
- Jesus works a glorious miracle
- 12 full baskets gathered up afterwards
- Are we prepared to trust God with the little that we have?
- The apostles trusted in the great work of Jesus Christ
The significance for us today
- Jesus
- Far greater than Elijah
- Example of miracles
- He is from heaven
- Far greater than Moses
- cf. Deut 18:15
- Parallels between them
- Far greater than David
- A picture of the Shepherd King
- cf. Psalm 23
- Jesus truly is the bread of life
- John 6:35
- Have you come to Christ?
- Have you believed in Him?
- John 6:49-51
- The Communion Table
- The pharisees could not stand His message
- Many turned away - John 6:66
- We must receive Jesus Christ
- Have you come to Christ?
- Have you turned your back upon sin?
- Is He your Lord?
- Have you surrendered yourself to Him?
Closing Remarks
- Do you believe this miracle?
- Example of the amazing universe
- Example of the amazing human body
- The fool has said in his heart there is no God
- There will be a day of judgment
- If you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him
- Seek the Lord Jesus Christ and find Him
- Miracles will not save
- Trust in Jesus Christ