Old Llantrisant Hill
- v23-29
- Remember the context in the first century
- Hebrews who lived shortly before the time of Nero
- Judaism was recognised as an official religion - Christianity
was not
- Nero did terrible things to Christians when he came to power
- These Jewish Christians had started well (chapter 10) but then some were struggling and tempted to give up Christ/go back to Judaism
- The author mentions the Patriarchs of Israel
- A near massacre at the Red Sea - but in faith Moses prospered
- David overcoming by faith
- Abraham overcoming by faith
- Remember the fathers in the faith and how they overcame - if God delivered them He will deliver you
- In this chapter: The beginning of faith, the continuance of faith and the end of a persons days [in faith]
- Beginning by faith - Abel
- Continuance of faith - Enoch, Moses
- Ends of their lives - Isaac, Jacob and Joseph
- In this chapter: Great trials involving death and judgment
- Noah - Judgment and the ark
- Abraham - Issac
- Moses - Judgment upon Egypt and the Passover
- We live in times of judgment and trial - we must trust God in these times
- This morning: v24-28
- Faith's Decision (v24-26)
- Faith Without Fear (v27)
- Faith in the Blood (v28)
Faith's Decision (v24-26)
- The biggest decision he made
- Consider Moses family background/adoption into Egypt
- He decided to give up all the treasures of Egypt
- He gave it up for the toil and pain of the Israelites
- Remember the biblical narrative
- Be careful of embellishment in films
- His parents were Hebrews who loved the Lord
- Moses was a beautiful child before God
- They hid Moses for three months because Pharaoh had decreed to kill all the male children
- They placed Moses in a basket by the river, in an act of faith
- Pharaoh's daughter finds Moses and employs his own mother to look after/nurse him
- Acts 7:22 - Moses would have a great education, great luxury, great opportunity
- Moses gave all this up at the age of 40
- What a renunciation this was!
- Modern example
- Moses chose to suffer affliction with the people of God
- "He esteemed the reproach of Christ" (v26)
- Not a rash decision
- He saw the living God and saw something of the Day of and riches of Christ (like Abraham)
- The affliction of Christ - the sufferings of God, not just the joys
- Have we weighed things up - have we weighed up the afflictions of Christ?
- There is a grace and joy in suffering - what an awesome teaching
- Often we grumble in the trial but Moses chose affliction
- Those not in Christ
- Have you weighed everything up?
- Do you know how important it is to know God?
- Do you know the worth of your soul?
- Have you made a decision - do not go along with friends or family
- Some people are called to make tough decisions
- Example of the Harley Street Doctor [Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones]
- Example of the great cricketer [C.T. Studd]
Faith Without Fear (v27)
- Does this refer to the first or second time Moses fled Egypt?
- Maybe the second time when Moses left with the people of Egypt
- Remember the story
- Moses had made a decision to stand with the people of God
- Moses killed the Egyptian who was beating the Israelite
- Two Hebrews and Pharaoh had learned of this
- Maybe Pharaoh would have given him a pardon
- Moses went into the dessert for 40 years and settled down
- God speaks to Moses in the burning bush
- We see Moses struggling but the Lord convinces him
- Moses had to make another decision to leave the happy life of being a shepherd and challenge Pharaoh
- His faith was triumphing - he had overcome all fear
- Not just Pharaoh
- A difficult people - they wanted to stone him
- A difficult life
- How does this apply to us today?
- We live in an increasingly secular society
- Those that believe the Bible are taken as fundamentalists, called bigots, often misunderstand
- The Bible is scoffed at
- Example of C.S. Lewis
- We are in the minority
- They do not understand the gospel
- Heb 13:13-15
- God does not want us to be a discouraged and disheartened people
- We are to give thanks to God
- We are to remember what God has done for us and His people (v29)
- We believe in a miraculous God
- When are backs are against the walls we trust/have faith in God
Faith in the Blood (v28)
- Remember the first Passover
- Remember God's justice upon the Egyptians
- The Israelites had to believe and obey the word of God
- There was the shedding of blood, the substitute lamb, the blood had to be applied - a prefigurement/type of Christ
- Jesus died as a substitute for you and me
- We are safe in Christ only through the shedding of blood
- There is only forgiveness through the shedding of blood
- Do you have faith in the blood of Christ?
- Is this your only hope?
- Nothing else that you are trusting in
- Consider the difference between the Egyptians and the Israelites
- Are you spiritually asleep or awake before Christ?
- "The passing pleasures of sin" (v25)
- The passing pleasures ...
- It is only temporary: afterwards often comes guilt, sadness and pain - ultimately the judgment of God
- 'I would rather live for Christ'
- The testimonies of those on Youtube
- Sin never brings blessing - there may be enjoyment in but it always brings destruction
- Will you choose like Moses?
- Will you be like Moses?