Old Llantrisant Hill
- There is a big difference between temptation and sin
- We are often tempted - examples
- Potiphar's wife was desiring Joseph
- He was handsome, probably 17 years old
- She had evil, lustful desires towards him
- Joseph himself did not give into temptation or his sexual desires
- He resisted in words and kept away from her (v10)
- Temptation and sin are not the same thing
- Jesus Christ resisted temptations
- We can resist by the grace of God
- Overview:
- The Attack
- The Response
- The Outcome
The Attack
- Joseph had been doing very well
- He was diligent and hard working
- He spoke about his faith
- Potiphar handed over his whole estate to Joseph
- Potiphar trusted him
- God was blessing Joseph
- This does not mean he was immune from temptation or falling into sin
- He was not immune from satan's attacks
- The temptation:
- Very powerful, flattering, potential for personal gain
- Bold and brazen - nothing subtle
- Constant (v10) - day by day
- Suddenly alone in the house with Potiphar's wife (v11)
- She grabs him
- But he runs away without his clothes
- By God's grace he did the right thing and fled
- Joseph is a 'type' of Christ
- We are reminded of the temptations faced by Jesus (in the wilderness)
- Application:
- Present success as a Christian does not make us immune to attacks
- We must daily watch and pray
- It may be the same temptations that come to us
- Temptations are common to man
- We can overcome / God will make a way of escape
The Response
- He is firm at each stage - he does not play with temptation
- He considers the kindness of his master
- He remembers Potiphar is in a covenant relationship with her husband
- He says it is great iniquity against God (v9)
- If we could only see the weight and gravity of sin ... that crucified Jesus at the cross
- Application:
- Sin is not a little thing
- Sin is not just the deed but the thought within
- Sin is what God sees
- Pray against temptation
- Be vigilant
- Remove yourself from the situation - sometimes just to flee
- Remember your sins will find you out - God sees
The Outcome
- God honours those who honour Him (1 Sam 2:30)
- How do we explain this miscarriage of justice?
- Potiphar's wife makes a false claim
- Racism - a Hebrew
- Class prejudice - a servant
- Potiphar listens to his wife - we are not told why
- He finds the easy route to throw Joseph into prison
- The Psalm speaks of Joseph being in the stocks
- Why did Potiphar's wife get away with it? - she did not have a good conscience
- Joseph knew favour in prison (in adversity) - as he had in Potiphar's house (in blessing)
- God had purposes for him
- God would raise him up to the right hand of Pharaoh
- Things will not always go well for us
- We may face times of difficulty and injustice
- If we honour God, He will honour us
Closing Remarks
- Stand in the armour of God
- If we fall, there is forgiveness through repentance