Old Llantrisant Hill
- Did you think little about death when young?
- I though little about death when I was young
- I have been thinking more of death in recent years
- Quote from John Wesley
- We do not know the time or the hour
- The Lord knows
- We should learn to number them
- Jacob lived for 147 years – Joseph’s father
- He had known many difficult days
- He had a difficult family and knew great pain in his life
- He blessed Pharaoh
- As it comes to his death, he is still blessing others
- Three events
- He meets with Joseph and makes his burial arrangements
- Joseph goes to him and takes his two sons for a blessing
- He speaks prophetic words (Gen 49)
- Overview
- The burial
- The blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh
- Prophetic words [next week]
The Burial
- Reading Gen 47:29-31
- A deliberate choice not to be buried in Egypt but in the land of Canaan / the promised Land
- A deliberate choice to make Joseph swear a solemn promise
- Location:
- His two wives were buried in Canaan
- He was to be buried with Abraham and Isaac
- Abraham was chosen to be the covenant family of God – a statement of faith
- To be identified with Abraham and Isaac – a statement of faith to the promised land
- Heb 11:9-10
- They knew their real home was in the glory
- What matters most to you? The best things?
- They died in faith – Heb 11:13
- They believed in life after death and the resurrection of the dead
- Do you believe in the promises of God?
- Bury me in Canaan
The Blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh
- Chapter 48 – crossing of his hands to bless the younger and not the older
- v1 – Jacob is sick and Joseph took to him his two sons
- He believed this sickness would lead to his father’s death
- Joseph knew that his two sons borne to an Egyptian wife needed blessing by Jacob to be brought into the covenant family of God
- v2 – Jacob is strengthened by the coming of his son
- Jacob recounts Gods goodness to him (v3 onwards)
- He mentions Luz/Bethel (v3)
- He will never forget the place where he first met God
- The vision of Jacob’s ladder
- He returned here after tragedy with Dinah and Simeon/Levi
- Gen 35:6, 10-12
- What will be our final words to those we love?
- Jacob was full of faith facing death
- He wants to bless his offspring
- He wants them to be like his first and second born
- He still acknowledges Reuben and Simeon – 1 Chr 5:1
- He is adopting Ephraim and Manasseh into his family
- Jacob crosses his hands to bless Ephraim more than Manasseh
- Joseph is not happy with this – v14-16, 19-19
- Both will be blessed but Ephraim will be greater
- Joseph should have remembered his history
- Though in this instance God’s favour is upon both Ephraim and Manasseh
- Joseph is blessed and included in the promises of blessing (Gen 49)
- Conclusion:
- As a young man he took advantage of others – a schemer
- God was gracious to Him and blessed him
- He knew much suffering – examples
- Yet God was with Him – fed him and redeemed him
- Heb 11:21 – He blessed Joseph’s sons, worshipping and full of faith
- May we know confidence in the Lord and die well
- May we be those who seek to bless others
- How do you face death?