Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last week we considered Sarah and Abraham and how their faith changed the present
- Abraham's faith changed his life
- Abraham's faith affected the way he lived
- If we have faith for living, does it affect the way we die?
- Isaac blessed Jacob and Easu (v20)
- Jacob blessed the two sons of Joseph and worshiped (v21)
- Joseph mentioned the children of Israel (v22)
- Considering three men who faced death
- Each had living faith and died well
- Perhaps the biggest test of faith is how we face death
- How will we face death?
- Example of John Wesley
- Example of my father
Isaac (v20)
- If you study his life can you find a man who walked by faith?
- Certainly in his younger years
- Not much mentioned of Isaac after this
- There seem to be disappointments
- He made the same error as his father - he lied about Rebecca being his wife
- The two children: 'the older will serve the younger' - but Isaac wanted to give the covenant blessing to Esau
- When the blessing was given to Jacob, Isaac did not withdraw it but believed in faith (Gen 28:2-4a)
- What example would you choose of Isaac's faith?
- Mount Moriah
- This incident - the writer to the Hebrews choses this example of faith
- Jacob still blessed Esau (v20 and Gen 27:39-40)
- We may have struggles
- Whatever we have been in the past doesn't matter now (once we know God)
- What Isaac was like in the past doesn't matter compared to how he is now
- It is what you are like now that matters
- Are you trusting God now?
- Not what experiences you have had in the past
- Quote from Matthew Henry
- There were many regrets in Isaac's life
- What really counts is how you are now - don't wait until your death bed
Jacob (v21)
- Jacob blesses the two sons of Joseph [his grandchildren] - Gen 48:13-16
- It was not the firstborns who were blessed but the ones that God had chosen
- We must accept God's sovereign choice and ways
- Many emphasise 'our' choice
- The Bible exalts and emphasises God's soveriegn and divine will
- Jacob worshiped leaning on the top of his staff
- Do we accept God's sovereign purposes?
Joseph (v22)
- 'When we grown older we either become bitter or sweeter'
- Joseph had every human right to become bitter
- Think of how his brothers treated him
- There was no trace of bitterness
- Instead he had faith
- He knew that God would bring the people out of Egypt
- Joseph had dream and visions - perhaps God had shown him this only
- He gave instruction for his bones to be taken back into the land - it was a reminder of his faith
- He died in faith trusted God for the future
- His hope wasn't in the land or possessions but to God's land and the promise to His people
- "They all died in faith" (v13) - this was Joseph
Closing Remarks
- Three old men - not cynical but living in faith
- They faced death unselfishly
- Think of Jesus thinking of others as He died on the cross
- May it be that we live unselfishly and live in faith now
- May it be that we die well
- May it be that we are concerned for our children and the church