January 2, 2022

Enduring Difficult Times

Passage: 1 Peter 1:1-12
Service Type:


Do you have a go to activity when things get tough?


How do you endure as a Christian when things get tough?

The answer is in what we have read

The passage:

Peter refers to the Christians of the dispersion

Modern-day Turkey

A circular letter written not to churches but to the people
The Christians were suffering persecution for their faith
Peter refers to them as ‘pilgrims’
cf Romans 8:22-23

Peter wants his readers to honour God in a land in which they don’t belong

Kept by the power of God for salvation (v1-5)

v2 – Theologically dense

We live in the knowledge of God that transforms are hearts and minds
We are being made holy and into the likeness of Jesus
This completed and sealed in the finished work of Christ on the cross

Why does Peter consider it important to hear these words?

We are transformed by the knowledge of God as revealed in the Bible

v3 – A living hope

Jesus did not just die on the cross but was resurrected in power

Example from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

This is because of God’s mercy
Established by new birth

John 3:3
This comes to the non-perishable seed of hearing the word of God

v4 – An inheritance

Earthly things do not bring life or an eternal inheritance

The inheritance for Christians is reserved for us in heaven

v5 – Comfort

Kept by faith in God
God shields us with the faith we have
We are kept by God safely to the end

Rejoicing in future salvation enables to endure present trials (v6-9)

v6 – Rejoice

Very unnatural in times of suffering
The Christian’s living hope eclipses any secular ‘hope’
The book written to suffering Christians

Our culture is becoming increasing hostile
Other struggles – examples
These verses help to encourage us

“though now for a little while”

Suffering will come to an end
There will be a day where we are welcomed into heaven
The world may change but the word of God does not

v7 – the purpose is to prove the genuineness of our faith

Gold is refined by fire

Our faith is more precious than gold
God is sovereign over our trials

Living by faith is hard

The world will question our faith
We have a real authentic testimony of the disciples

v9 – Salvation of our souls

The end point of our faith

Our Salvation (v10-12)

The New Testament and Old Testament speak of our salvation in Jesus Christ

The Old Testament prophets could only see things ‘dimly’
God gave them insight and revealed things to them

Example of Isaiah 53

As Christians we have the privilege of seeing/understanding the whole of the Old Testament in light of the revelation in Jesus Christ

Closing Remarks

Recap of above points
How does this sermon affect us?

Remember all that we have in a extra compared to the glorious inheritance in heaven
Having a misunderstanding over this can lead to a shaking of our faith and disillusionment
We are not expecting heaven on earth as we are pilgrims

Fix your eyes on Jesus