Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at Luke 5:1-11
- Quick recap of Portugal visit:
- Gift of a cup
- Gift of a South American Breakfast
- Getting to know there ways by staying with them
- Do you know Christ?
- Do you know Him personally?
- Do you know Him as Lord, Saviour and friend?
- We are going to consider Simon Peter
- It is a process
- Different recorded events where Peter met Christ
- Christ was drawing Peter to Himself
- Jesus' meetings with Peter:
- We meet Andrew and his brother Simon Peter
- Andrew had met Jesus and realised He was the Messiah
- Andrew introduces Peter to Jesus
- In their first meeting, Jesus changes Peter's name
- Jesus had called Peter
- He was to be Cephas - a rock and servant in the Church
- Luke 4:38
- Jesus had been preaching
- Jesus comes to Peter's home
- Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law
- This must have had a profound effect on Peter
- Luke 5
- An awesome and significant event
- Such a crowd to hear His preaching that He must get into a boat
- He chooses Simon Peter's boat
- He preaches to the masses
- After preaching He brings a personal word to Peter - 'let down your nets'
- Jesus performs an awesome miracle
- Another boat is called and both are almost sinking
- Simon Peter falls at Jesus' knees
- Perhaps still in the boat
- Peter sees Jesus in a way he has never seen before
- Jesus replies that from now on he would catch men
- Peter and the others forsake their profession and follow Jesus from this point on
- Peter knows he is a sinner and knows something of what Christ is
- He becomes a true disciple of Jesus Christ
- God still has a work to bring him to a fuller understanding
- What about us?
- Do we come to church but have never know and trusted Jesus?
- Have we experienced significant events on the road to Christ?
- Have we yielded ourselves entirely to Christ?
Public preaching and ministry (v1-3)
- He preached in the open air and taught in the synagogues (4:31,44)
- Do we attend the place where Christ is preached?
- There is a blessing for those who come to Christ
- People can preach anywhere - examples
- Christ is the prince of preachers
- Ecc 11:5 - we cannot see but God knows what He is doing or what is happening in people's hearts
- Jesus knows that His ministry is not to perform miracles per se, but to preach - 4:43
Private ministry (v4)
- Came after the public ministry
- Jesus speaks to Peter
- We need to hear Christ speaking into our personal lives
- We need direction from Him
- We need to ask Jesus to teach us
- Not mystical experiences
- Prayer for guidance as we read the word
Encountering Christ's Power (v5-9)
- Peter as a fisherman knew when was the best time to fish
- Christ shows His omniscience
- Did He know this by His divine attributes?
- Did He know as the perfect man?
- He did it as the God Man
- Peter confesses Christ as Lord
- He sees something of His deity
- Christ shows His omnipotence
- Christ directed the fish into the nets
- Peter's reaction was to fall at Jesus knee's?
- Have we understood who Christ is?
- Eternal God taking on human form
- Performing miracle after miracle after miracle
- Have we understood who we are?
- Our sin?
- How we fall far short of His glory?
- That sin corrupts?
- That we offend an almighty God?
- Have we understood that Christ is our mediator with God?
Enlisting into Christ's Service
- Personal example
- We bring the gospel that Christ will catch men
- We let down the gospel net and many souls will be saved
- Consider Pentecost - 3'000, 5'000, 10'000 saved
- Miracles are not just for the benefit of the person ...
- ... but to point people to Christ
- Whatever good God has done to you - it is so that you would worship Him
- A repeated miracle
- For a specific reason
- The restoration of Peter
- The miracle in itself was nothing compared to His sacrifice on the cross
- Simon Peter knew this truth
- He was met by the risen Lord Jesus
- All Peter could do was preach of Jesus Christ
- After this event he never looked back
Concluding Remarks
- May it be that we enter into Christ if we cast ourselves onto Jesus
- Luke 9:23-25
- May it be that we give up our life to save it
- May it be that we have Christ