Key text – v21
In the previous chapter – 101 prophets going into hiding
In the next chapter – 850 prophets going in for a hiding
Elijah breaks cover and meets Obadiah
Elijah blames Ahab for the trouble that has come upon Israel
When you turn your back on God – calamity comes
Righteousness exalts a nation
Elijah brings the people back to basics
v19 – Israel’s moment of decision
Do we have firm conviction?
Elijah issues a challenge
Elijah introduces the contestants
Elijah evokes the God of the Covenant
Elijah issues a challenge (v21)
He throws down the gauntlet
“How long” – he had a holy impatience
God had bourne Israel’s sin
God bears our sin
They were teetering / limping to and fro
Room for all religions
“Adopt the one that suits you best”
It did not suit Elijah or Jezebel
Choose one God
You cannot follow God and satan at the same time
The people did not answer
The Gospel challenge silences many
Whom will you serve?
Elijah introduces the contestants (v24)
The people thought this good
A fair contest
Example of boxers
Baal – associated with fire
2 Kings 16:13
God – associated with fire
The Burning Bush – Ex 3:14
A column of fire – Ex 13:21
He Descended in fire – Ex 19:18
God’s fiery wrath fell upon Jesus at the cross – so that our sins might be forgiven
Heb 12:29
Elijah evokes the God of the Covenant (v36)
The prophets of Baal called on his name (v23-27)
Elijah mocks the false prophets (v27)
Ps 2:4
They try all things to have Baal answer them
But there was no answer (v29)
Is your prayer meeting like this?
It depends upon who you are calling
The prophet Elijah
Pours water on the sacrifice – so there is no complaint of cheating
He repaired the altar of the Lord that had been broken
Has your ‘altar’ broken?
True prayer life can collapse
He called on the Covenant God (v36)
The people fell on their faces proclaiming the Lord as God (v37)
God was seen as the one true God
Do we want the power of God to fall upon us?
Do we need to see a miracle before we believe?
Look at Calvary – Isa 53:6ff
Can you see the fire?
Have you had your heart turned to God? (v37)
Do you see the God of fire?