Old Llantrisant Hill
- Copernicus in 16th Century caused a scientific revolution
- The Apostle Paul is causing a spiritual revolution
- We live in a selfish world
- There is a danger we become obsessed with ourselves
- Paul is exhorting Christians to be more like Christ
- The word is directed at believers
- We are not perfect people
- Very appropriate for setting aside of church officers
- Fulfill my joy (v2)
- To become more like Jesus Christ
- Selfishness and pride is to be banished (v3)
Mindset of Self-Denial (v6-7a)
- Jesus was God yet made Himself of no reputation
- Jesus' existence did not begin at Bethlehem - He was in existence in eternity, before the world was made
- Jesus was always in the form of God
- He had all the qualities of the Divine
- Jesus is not a created being or a created angel - He always existed in the form of God
- He is the Son of God
- Equal with God
- Jesus did not grasp at this but gave this up
- He was not preoccupied with Himself
- Aristotle in the 4th Century thought that God was so preoccupied with his own majesty
- God is concerned with His glory but not preoccupied with Himself
- What was Jesus thinking when He was a man?
- He put His father first
- He put sinners before Himself
- Think of this as a Christian
- Jesus put us before Himself
- Samuel Peeps - "he is love with his own nature..."
- This surely is the view of the 21st Century
Mindset of Service (v7-8a)
- Came as a human
- Not as a celebrity or an important person
- Came as a servant - came as a slave
- Servanthood
- Servants had no rights in the 1st Century - they served others
- The work of an Elder is a servant
- Matt 20:20-28 - the example of James and John
- Luke 14:7-14 - the Pharisees who loved the best seats but Jesus instructs His apostles to be humble
- Jesus had time for blind Bartimeus, the tax collector Zacheus, the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), Mary Magdalene possessed by demons
- Jesus put others before Himself
- He comes to individuals and cares for us
- He allowed the little children to come to Himself after others sent them away
- People of all ages matter to Jesus
- Consider the disciples arguing who was the greatest
- Jesus put Himself at their feet (to wash their feet)
- Not about envy and jealousy
- Whatever role you have in the church you follow the Lord Jesus
Mindset of Sacrifice (v8)
- Obedient to the death of the cross
- He gave Himself as a sacrifice for sin
- No one took His place - He was crucified
- Jesus gave Himself:
- Out of love
- To pay for sin
- To satisfy the wrath of God (against sin)
- Martin Luther: 'either your sins are on Christ or on yourself'
- Jesus has been to calvary and died for our sin
- "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
- It's amazing to think that Jesus went to Bethlehem, to wash the disciples feet, but even more amazing to think that Jesus would go to the cross
- Personal example of substitution
- Jesus has taken our place
- Jesus has taken our punishment, out of love
- Application to Christians:
- Some are [sadly] martyred
- We are called to sacrifice
- Examples of Christian sacrifice - Phil 2:25-27, Rom 9:3
Closing Remarks
- May the mind of Christ be in us
- Bow the knee to Jesus