Old Llantrisant Hill
- Is the teaching of the resurrection from the dead only to be found in the New Testament?
- Is there ever such a greater statement in the Old Testament?
- Job was going through great suffering but makes such a tremendous statement
The Crisis
- If you know the story of Job you know he loved God
- He had an impeccable character
- God blessed him in many ways
- He had a deep reverence for God
- One fateful day came when he lost everything
- Job sadly lost all his children
- People recently have lost loved ones
- What do you do in such circumstances? Can faith fold out? Is there hope in such times?
- Job does not blame God
- He recognises that he comes into and goes out of the world empty handed
- He says something staggering "Blessed be the name of the Lord"
- Job had amazing faith
- Some might say that Job is callous and only concerned for himself
- The rest of the story shows how he reacts to other afflictions
- His health
- He suffered the tormenting words of his wife
- How does Job fare in this crisis?
- He does not sin
- He accepts good and adversity from the Lord
- Job's friends come to 'comfort' him
- They have no real sympathy or compassion
- They are merely using their own understanding of theology in their own twisted way
- Job protests his innocence to his friends
- His friends torment him and call him wicked - Job 18:17-21
- Job is bitter and does feel that God is persecuting him, yet has great faith in God
- Job 19:2 - his soul was in torment
- Job 19:13 - he is despised and shunned
- Job 19:14 - even his close friends and family deserted him
- Job 19:17 - he is an offence to his own wife
- v23-24
- Is Job wanting his complaint to be recorded for ever?
- Is Job not wanting everyone to know that Job believes in the Redeemer?
- The reactions of others
- Think of Thomas who would not believe
- Faith is often not strong in despondency and depression
- After he had seen, he confessed 'My Lord and My God'
- Think of Mary
- Think of the two on the road to Emeaus
- Think of the disciples
- They had gone fishing, not expecting to see the risen Christ
- Peter plunges into the water wanting to get near Christ and his faith is rekindled
- Job in his agony believes in the resurrection and in God
The Confidence
- The Redeemer
- People in the Middle East knew what this mean back - the human person/relative who would intervene
- Job knew that it was the Lord who would redeem him
- He had tremendous confidence
- No think or hope, but I know my redeemer lives
- He had great faith
- It is almost as God has come to strengthen him
- Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead?
- Do you believe that God will reconstitute the person?
- Do you believe in the judgement?
- Job believed with all his heart
- In my flesh, I shall see God
- He didn't want to see any other
- Do you want to see the beauty of the Lord?
- Words of the song: There is a hope that burns within my heart
- Do we believe there are many mansions in heaven?
- His confidence led Job to prayer
- He prayed for his friends
- God restored him and blessed him - Job 42:10
- God gave Job twice as much as he had before
- Job passed the test of the severe trial of his faith
- Abraham passed the test of faith
- May it be that when God tries us that our faith may continued, even though we may have many pains
The Challenge
- We talk about having the patience of Job, but what about the faith of Job?
- How will we face the challenges of life?
- How will we face death?
- Do you believe in the resurrection?
- Jesus came to pay the price for sin
- Jesus died and then rose from the dead
- Jesus has undone the curse of sin, including death
- In heaven there will be no more suffering
- Jesus will come again to judge the earth
- There will be a new heaven and a new earth
- The message of the resurrection is that Christ is victorious over sin and death
- The challenge for each of us is whether we will believe in this
- This is the promise of the resurrection and of Easter
- May we all believe today